Large Scale Central

Visiters to the Bluestone Southern

Came back from breakfast this morning, and there’s amessage on the phone, from a neighbor… ““There’s cows heading your way””…

Looked out in yard, didn’t see anything out of normal… About 1 pm, the front neighbors rang the doorbell… They stated, ““Our cows decided to take a tour of your railroad””… Upon this notification we all went and toured the backyard…

We had 2 inches of rain on Friday, and everything is just now, thawing out, so the ground is totally saturated… Following the trail the cows made, was easy, as everyone of their steps sank about 6-7 inches into the ground…

Followed their trail as they hit the tracks at Sparta, crossing just north of Hadley Forest, then on to the long bridge, and decided not to go thru the open area, but took out the short bridge span at Bluefield… They then headed on out to Memphis, and south towards Evansville… Crossed the waterwayjust southeast of Evansville, and proceeded on a shortcut to Nashville… Crossed the Hilltop Mainlinejust north of Nashville, then headed toward Overlook, but crossed back over the Hilltop Subdivison, scross the EVWR tracks and headed down to Woodlawn… Decided to turn around and head back home, crossing the EVWR tracks and the Hilltop subdivision, before heading back their own yard…

All in all, they managed to step on the tracks in about a dozen places, and or course, these places are over the railroad…

When it dries out, it will be fun to cut and splice in new trachage, not to mention, fill in all the hoof prints all over the backyard…

Of course during this tour, all the dogs around, just had to take the tour with us…

This is all part of the fun of living out in the country… Think this is about the 4th time that cows have visited the railroad, and from 3 different neighbors…

Had a group of male Holsteins visit us once, they traveled 2 miles to get a look at the railroad… Of course, took us about 3 hours to locate where they came from…

Yup, spring has sprung…

We’ve had cattle visit our yard a few times in the past.

Fortunately, never damaged much other than a few plants in the garden and some flowers here and there.


There comes a time, where good fencing pays for itself…and living at the top of the hill keeps one’s feet dry…!!!

Yup, had that happen once or twice. One would fill the freezer quite nicely…(

I hope you got your freezer filed with good beef or payment for all the damaged track. Fortunately the 6’ chain link fence we installed last year has done its job and kept the deer out of the back yard and off my layout.

Andy Clarke said:

All in all, they managed to step on the tracks in about a dozen places, and or course, these places are over the railroad…

When it dries out, it will be fun to cut and splice in new trachage, not to mention, fill in all the hoof prints all over the backyard…

Ouch… That hurts, Andy… Them critters can sure do some damage to a garden railroad…

We’ve had javelina rout the tracks but not step on them…

Andy, did you get any compensation from the herds owner?

That sounds a pretty horrible thing to happen to a railroad Andy. I hope it gets sorted out reasonably easily. I don’t think I will moan again when my dog is chasing birds or cats, manages to scatter some ballast! You Stateside guys railroad under lots of hardships we in the Olde Country do not. Weather and critters being just two things.

That sounds awful - and a lot of work to repair.

Who knew cows could be so dangerous?

Sounds like an “udder disaster” Dad!

David Russell said:

Sounds like an “udder disaster” Dad!

Booooo! Hissssss! Come on Roos, you gotta have better jokes than that.

Andy, sorry to hear about the damage. I can relate but from the other end. I worked at a dairy farm and when the power would go out (or I forgot to shut a gate) they would escape. I got a call one day and the neighbor said “cows are out” I asked how many and they replied “all of them”. At that time there were about 350…


Dan, Yes, the owner has offered to compensate for the damage…

Actually, all the damage was done by 2 cows… Ok, maybe 2 and a half, one is pregnant…

By the time it will dry out, we have another 2 days of rain scheduled…

Repairs will be done after the York trip, sometime in April… Need it to be ready for Ops, the first weekend in May…

All in all, I think about 12-18 feet of track is damaged, in numerous areas.

Nothing disgusts me more than a great model RR getting trashed by dis-respectful visitors!

For payback… I’m going out to get a steak!

Some pictures of the tracks and railroad area:

Below is a picture of some tracks outside the basement door, where the cows traveled… To get to this point, the have already corssed the Bluestone Southern and EVWR tracks at Sparta, travled down to the waterway and knocked out the small section of bridge on the hilltop subdivision. (which has been replaced in position before this picture was taken.

From aboce, they walked down along the waterway along side of the Woodlawn retaining wall, and across to Memphis… They continued along the yards at Memphis & Evansville to the back treeline… They then crossed the waterway and proceeded to Nashville.

A picture of the damaged mainline at Nashville.

Below is a picture of damage at the Nashville Elevator.

Below are some pictures of Woodlawn tracks and track damage.

Track damage at Sparta.

Just to give you some idea of the damage… This is not all of it, by no means… Will probably take a full day to replace all the damaged track around the layout…

Dang Andy. Now Jane will have to work nights again after York.

Maybe they were fans of Johnny Cash. Listening to

“I Walk the Line”

2 words; electric fence.

Disrespectful beasts!

Yup, poor ol’ Jane’s got her work cut out for her…(

Oh, that sure hurts to look at that. Hope you can still do the expansions you have planned for this year.


I surely hope the cow owner is paying for the damages! Terrible, just terrible. (

In retaliation: I’ll have a hamburger for lunch.