If your locomotives are in, the next step is to build trains (Configure/Trains from the menu). “New” from there, and then pick your locations and industries that you want.
From there, you go to Run Trains, pick that train, and hit “Build”
If your locomotives are in, the next step is to build trains (Configure/Trains from the menu). “New” from there, and then pick your locations and industries that you want.
From there, you go to Run Trains, pick that train, and hit “Build”
Thanks, I’ll try that out.
Fred, my original tutorial did not have screen shots. The latest one has more step by step directions, with screen shots. Hopefully that will help; but I do need to update the screen shots. Things have changed.
I got locations in but cannot get in industries to serve.
Bob & Bruce,
Under Configurations/ Physical Layout I have towns listed with the industries in those towns, I have cars listed under cars, I have locos listed and under Trains I listed my 2 locals. I managed to list the towns each local is to service but I cannot list the industries in those towns nor can I find a way to list the cars at any location to start off with. What am I failing to do?
If I don’t get it right next time I’ll just stick with the color-coded cards and realize I’m just not cut out for this computer stuff.
Advance the date by one or two days (click on “+ 1 Day” in the “Run Trains” window).
To see where the cars are click on “Reports” then “Equipment location” that will let you click on each town and show where the cars are and what their states are (L or E).
Lord knows I’ve had plenty of problems getting this going. I have no trouble understanding computers and software, but I’m still a beginner with operations. With that as my qualifications…
IF you have already created the industries in your Physical Layout, then when you Create or Edit a Train (under Configure/Trains) As you add or edit Train Locations, towns that have an industry should show the industry in the right hand “Switch these industries…” box. The Train Location town name must be highlighted (click on it) in the center box. You will need to check the box if you want this train to work that industry.
I’m trying to figure out what you haven’t done yet. What page are you on in the tutorial? I think I must have left something out.
This will really sound dumb but where do I find “tutorial”? When I pushed the F1 button for “help” it says it is not entered (or something to that affect)
I’ve helped a lot of others set their railroads (mostly HO & O) for operations but never with a computer program. Even at work (I’m a yardmaster) I know just enough about the computer to do my job.
Appreciate everyone s help & understanding,
The F1 key should do it! Send me an email, and I’ll fire back a copy to you.
We’ll get you through this!
By the way guys, ANY ideas that you’d like to see in the manual, just let me know. I’ve recently added screen shots to the tutorial section of the manual. And, I’ve also added a concepts section, where I talk about things like off-layout, interchange, yard tracks, and industry requirements.
I’m trying to add a lot of stuff that gets discussed here, but I might miss something. So, if you’re confused, let me help!
For some reason the page numbers don’t print ---- errr they didn’t print when I printed it out. That would be a great help.
It’s not F1 for help. Choose HELP and then Help Topics from the menu screen. That should get you the latest.
HJ, Do they show up in the doc? I know I didn’t have them earlier, but they’re in there now. I’ve never printed it out. I’ll try a page or two.
Another option is to look in your install directory. The default is C:\Program Files\LargeScaleCentral\TrainOps - in there is a doc called TrainOps Help.doc. Right now, it’s an MS Word doc. Eventually, one of us might make it a help file.
My version shows October 8, 2008. And, it does print the page numbers. I’m not sure when I added those. And I’m really not sure why I didn’t have it there in the first place!
Yes, they do now and they also print. GRRRRRRRR
The manual would be “perfect” as a PDF, no issues with printing in that case. (he says and then ducks!). BTW having a manual is a fine feature, allows you to read without sitting in front of the display.
Hmm. A PDF might be better, especially since all the other stuff (switchlists, form 19, car reports) are all PDF as well.
Of course my problem is that I’ve been too close to TrainOps. So, it’s “easy” for me to use it and not read the manual. And, of course, the program is changing. I think my first cut on the manual was late September.
Well, at least they print now. I think Jon had suggested that awhile back.
Anyway, keep the cards and letters coming in. Hopefully we’ll just keep making it better!
Bruce Chandler said:
By the way guys, ANY ideas that you'd like to see in the manual, just let me know. I've recently added screen shots to the tutorial section of the manual. And, I've also added a concepts section, where I talk about things like off-layout, interchange, yard tracks, and industry requirements.I’m trying to add a lot of stuff that gets discussed here, but I might miss something. So, if you’re confused, let me help!
For example, I just learned today that the reasons my trains are so short is that I set a Minimum per Day of 0, Maximum per Day of 1 and a Chance of 50% at most of my industries. With this setting I’d only get a car once in a while. With only 4 industries, 2 on each turn, that meant that most of the time I was getting 1 car trains. I just upped that to Min 1, Max 2 leaving chance at 50% and my first train out was 4 cars. Big difference.
So I guess my point is that (once all bugs are squashed) tweaking is key to getting the system to build the trains you want. Figuring out what tweaks give what result is one place you could elaborate in the concepts section.
Right now I’m kind of in a holding pattern until Bob gets the problems with Get a Car worked out. I think most of my problems will go away once he has that fixed the way he wants it.
Your comments echo something I’ve been trying to get a handle on. Bob started some analysis, with the siding usage, but we’ve also been discussing some sort of “other” analysis.
We’ve tossed around lots of ideas. It would be “nice” to know if you’re running enough trains, or if you need more boxcars, or maybe you have too many gondolas. Why do so many trains stop at Town T, when there’s hardly anything there? What were they drinking when they made this county dry?
There’s lots of variables involved; the key is coming up with the right reports and recommendations. I’d really be interested in hearing your thoughts on what might help.
Hey, I’m making progress, found the manual and am printing it out now, will spend some time going over it hoping I can find out what I did/didn’t do right, thanks again for all your help,