Large Scale Central

Upgrades at Peter's Pond on the IPP&W

Fred sent these pictures of last weekends work at Peters Pond on the IPP&W in Ottawa, Taken by Gord Bellemy.


Were’s the water?

Sean McGillicuddy said:


Were’s the water?

Its underground Sean.

Sean McGillicuddy said:


Were’s the water?

Just to the right of these ferns…


Fern who?

“Fern Who?” That’s Gordon’s wife.

Thanks for getting these pictures posted, Jon.

Peter’s Pond is one of the oldest areas of the IPP&WRR and its great to see industry come to the area, that used to be just a flag stop.

Talking to Fred, I understand Operations starts this weekend. Really getting the urge to get back up to Ottawa and see everyone. I think it is about 7 weeks before the American Invasion.

Thanks Ric. It’s been a few years since I’ve been there and my memory of the track plan is a little fuzzy. In that pic that Ken re-posted, is the new industry the track coming off the right of the passing siding - or is it what looks like new track next to the shed?

I just cant remember track running under the raised bench back there by the shed, but then I don’t remember where the ground level track ran.

The track that has the piece missing is the new “industry line”. Talking to Fred yesterday, he explained it is going to wrap around the back of Peter’s Pond, up behind the shaded area we always gather in and across from St. Helen. He’s thinking the industry is going to be a new mine.

I tell ya, those guys are always looking for new means of revenue and fun.

Looking good, Fred.

Here’s a shot from 2009…


According to my photos, it’s the least photographed part of the RR. :wink:

That’s my only shot…

Bruce Chandler said:

According to my photos, it’s the least photographed part of the RR. :wink:

And from what I remember, at least my experience, it was also one of the least used sidings. I couldn’t tell you when the last time I had anything to do there, except maybe, wait on the siding for a meet and even that’s been rare lately since they put in the siding just up the line …:wink:

Ken Brunt said: (

For some reason I’m thinking this!


Ric Golding said:

The track that has the piece missing is the new “industry line”. Talking to Fred yesterday, he explained it is going to wrap around the back of Peter’s Pond, up behind the shaded area we always gather in and across from St. Helen. He’s thinking the industry is going to be a new mine.

I tell ya, those guys are always looking for new means of revenue and fun.

Looking good.

But since the new line will wrap around Peter’s Pond, why not make the new industry a fish packing house.

Due to poor management of the Canadian fishing industry, there are few fish to be caught…so the local residents have started digging for whatever they can find, to sell to anyone that thinks they want it…usually something in the nature of something they don’t need, but think it’s neat to have…!!

We might even start the infamous sewage and sludge works plant in the area…it is long over due…!!


There is a track plan drawn by Joel Racine on the OVGRS site:

Pictures of Peter’s Pond occupied with buildings and rolling stock are few.

Here’s one from 2011 when I chased around a live steam Mason Bogie and was resting the loco on the siding(more for ME than the loco!)


Direct link to an album with pic I can’t seem to post!

The pond itself is even more rarely part of a photo. Here’s one from July 17, 2009:

In spite of what Fred said above I am sure the industry that will be served is refrigeration units:


Captioned: Ralph and Gordy guard the important refreshment components.

Ralph has now gone to the great station in the sky. We miss him

Credit for plan and pics: Paul Norton/Joel Racine, Chris Lyon, and myself.

Always the clatter of work activity on the IPP&W. a hard taskmaster is our Fr. Fred. Unlike the constant sound of zzzzzzzz’s on the POC. :slight_smile:

Nice work as always guys!


I grabbed this posted pic a few years ago here at LSC and I think there is a time and a place for everything. I’m thinking this is the time and the place. If I’m wrong in this thinking then punish me!

Fred and Gord back in the day!

David, you are very “Close” as far as the location of the new industry…although you couldn’t have known, having never been here.

The area directly behind, what appears to be an earlier (Much earlier) me, is the place that some benchwork will be located. The South end of the pond is behind all that growth.

What is in front of the two people, is what is now known as Spruce.

The guy wearing the hat is Gord Bellamy.

Off in the distance, behind the old chair, is the infamous Blue Spruce…


More progress on the IPP&W…this area has been named Cedar Rock…






Looks like a nice addition, but what is going to be there??? Is the entrance to this coming from the Peter Pond area???

Will there be a run around?

That last picture, track on the left: Sure could be a challenge to spot a car there!