Large Scale Central

Updating the StJ&FC

The StJ has been asleep on deferred maintenance for a couple of years. Prior to retirement I was just too tired, too swamped and too overwhelmed to do anything on the railroad. Finally, I’ve retired…and survived the first 90 days…and believe me it was survival!! Now that I’ve got my energy back, dug out 2 years worth of crap that piled up on the layout, it’s now up and running… :slight_smile: I’ve decided to change some things from what was originally planned. Part because I decided I didn’t like what I was doing and part because I discovered some problems that needed to be corrected for good operation. Originally the plan called for a center platform with a catwalk across the 2 main tracks to the station which would be a flat against the back wall. The track just to the left of the platform is a stub end, and the far left track is the return main.

The original platform. The layout is a large “J” shaped switching layout with return loops at either end for continuous running. I’ve since decided I would rather have the station between the main and the stub end where the platform was originally. But this would require moving the stub end as it is too close and the stations did not fit. This also was needed to do because my RDC’s that I use for passenger service in my 50’s scheme could not enter the stub end which is where I want passenger service to originate. I also noted that if I moved the stub end track I could add another siding between it and the main…more switching opportunities.

Eek! The stations don’t fit. Notice that I’ve gotten the butt ugly base off the freight station…the passenger station still needs my brute force attention. :smiley:

A piece of subroadbed added between stub end and return main.

The track has been moved but the old platform remains…now too narrow :frowning:

A new platform is purchased (Shelving from Home Depot) Everything fits, and the RDC’s do not have problems with the new stub end siding. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

The new siding will fit just like planned. Note: the turnout that’s in backwards is holding the spot until I can buy the correct one and drop it into place and connect the new siding.

The RDC’s now have a new home… :slight_smile:

A people’s eye view of the Martha’s Mills station. In the spring it will get painted, a basic interior, some shades and a few people. Warren

Regarding the “Butt-ugliness” of the base on your station… A can of paint will cure a whole lot of “butt-ugliness.” Wimmin have been doing this for centuries.

Big improvment over what I’ve seen recently. BZ! What is your minimum radius?

You can cure a case of Butt ugliness with a can of spray paint?

Tell us how please?

I know a couple of butt ugly people would who gladly pay for a such cure.

There’s an old saying, “Powder and paint, make women and ships look like what they ain’t.” I guess that applies to railroads, too.

Glad to see your renewed enthusiasm. Your work shows your interest. It looks nice and I appreciate you sharing the pictures.

Steve, minimum radius is 4’ (8’d with lgb 1600 curves). Most of the track on this layout is in the antique range. Though the layout is 4 years old (this month officially) most of the track has been on other previous layouts prior to moving into this house. The first layout was built in ‘91. Counting on my fingers, this is the 5th incarnation…:confused: It’s the largest so far (24’x36’) and lasted the longest. The bench work is also modular and some of it is from the original layout.


Capt. Charles Cross said:
There's an old saying, "Powder and paint, make women and ships look like what they ain't." I guess that applies to railroads, too.
The reason ships are referred to as feminine is because it is so d*mned expensive to keep them in powder and paint. :D


What’s those 2 narrer minded cars doin’ on yer layout? :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Capt. Charles Cross said:
There's an old saying, "Powder and paint, make women and ships look like what they ain't."
And in both cases, it's unwise to take a candle too close to the powder.

Looking good! I like that sky-blue background.

John Bouck said:
What's those 2 narrer minded cars doin' on yer layout? :) :)
Them's to go behind my narrer minded locom-otives...da white passed out thingy and that broad named Annie. Read the fine print in the thing-a-mabob that Bob wrote about if'n we waz nit pickers or artsy fartsy.... Ya see I do model da narrer stuff too. These are museum pieces....:D :D :D


With nasty weather outside, work continues on my indoor layout. My current project is to turn a gaping hole into something that resembles a tunnel:

I cut out some plywood, and glued braces on it:

Glued a side to the front:

And took a look at the direction it was going:

I’ve got a long ways to go but I’m looking forward to each and every step :slight_smile: I’ll need to glue on some trim to make it look like it’s got columns for reinforcement. This one I should be able to paint during the winter as it will be painted with all latex paint. I can’t do any spray painting until weather gets good outside again…or my house will go – BOOOOM…!!! The hazards of an open flame pilot on my furnace…:frowning: Warren

Entered in error

Very cool! Are those large cardboard tubes going to become grain elevators?

Ray, that is my hope. They have been like that for 4 years. I just never had time to paint them. That will hopefully change this coming spring.

I added a wing to the left side of the tunnel last night. I hope to get the trim work done in the next week…then some paint to hide all the sins…:smiley:

Warren the layout looks great, how large is it? I’m almost ready to begin rebuilding my interior layout in the new garage, started with the new stringers on the wall for the benchwork. Have to get my final inspection, hopefully this week, then install some storage shelfs first for all our house crap before I can build benchwork, then its off to the races with the indoor layout again.

This layout is 24x36 with 8’ minimum diameter curves (LGB 1600). It’s a continuous loop dogbone designed with operations in mind. The Dogbone loops are hidden. what shows is a “J” shaped switching layout. That tunnel I’m working on is access to the “West End Loop”.

Vic, I’m looking forward to you getting started on your new layouts. I’ve been following your thread elsewhere with the destruction of your old layouts and the construction of your new garage. I think your approach to large scale is very encouraging to those that don’t have a lot of room for monster dream layouts. In fact, your old outside layout encouraged me to build a small portable layout I take to shows to demonstrate that large scale doesn’t have to take up a half acre.


Thanks Warren

Its been a trial the last couple years, glad my efforts have helped others. I was getting tired of the continual roadblocks that hindered my previous attempts, of course had I finished the previous incarnation, it would have been that much more painfull to dismantle it. Hopefully this layout will get finished.

Warren Mumpower said:
John Bouck said:
What's those 2 narrer minded cars doin' on yer layout? :) :)
Them's to go behind my narrer minded locom-otives...da white passed out thingy and that broad named Annie. Read the fine print in the thing-a-mabob that Bob wrote about if'n we waz nit pickers or artsy fartsy.... Ya see I do model da narrer stuff too. These are museum pieces....:D :D :D



I like that, JB has been telling me for years that his is a museum railroad. I wonder why he wouldn’t recognize yours as being one, too. Hmmmmmmmmmm. :smiley: :smiley: :wink:

Probably because my “museum” more closely resembles a junk collection. Museums are organized…I’m not! :smiley: My problem is I’m one that buys what I like. To compound that problem, if it runs on rails I like it!!..:confused: I’ve got stuff I don’t even know I have…or where I got it. There’s a locomotive (a GE 4/4III) that I traded to John for some cars etc. He wanted the thing really bad…and I have a soft heart. He’s got his locomotive…and I’ve got a replacement…and damned if I know where or when I got it. John had to remind me of the swap…:confused: Thus is my collection. I’m hell on EBay when I’ve got some extra cash…and can’t pass up a “deal”. Got 2 of the Bachmann GE 45 tonners for $100 last bid. Now what the heck I’m going to do with 2 of those things is beyond me. One is intended to become a Box Cab a-la Bruce Chandler style. Don’t have any idea what I’m going to do with the other. But that’s how my collection goes.
