Management of the Kittatinny Mountain Railroad announced recently that they are pulling out of their current location and moving their entire operation to a new area with greater prospects. It seems that since the mine played out several years ago that the timber business has also been declining so in order to sustain operations, a move to greener pastures was required.
Before operations terminate for good, the KMRR put out the word to rail fans near and far that this might be their last opportunity to photograph the railroad in full operation. Not wanting to miss the opportunity I joined many others yesterday getting my last pictures and enjoying some rare equipment operating over the line.
What follows is the best of several hundred photos taken yesterday.
Even though the mine has played out, an ore train was run for the amusement of the rail fans. Shown here passing some recent transplants from other railroads; the mill from Ken’s Rio Grand Southern and the shanty from Ric’s Kaskaskia Valley Railroad…
The ore train pulls into town. Note the rare Erie Pacific on the siding - a hint of what the future holds for this line…
Taking water at Camp Kittatinny…
Leaving Camp Kittatinny…
Rumor has it that the Ranger will stay on after the KMRR boys pull out…
Rail fans were treated to several passenger runs of the KMRR’s diminutive coaches and a visiting doodlebug…
Ore train at the passenger station…
And by Camp Kittatinny again…
Many more to come.