Large Scale Central


Joyce Kilmer. 1886–1918


I THINK that I shall never see
A poem lovely as a tree.

A tree whose hungry mouth is prest
Against the sweet earth’s flowing breast;

A tree that looks at God all day,
And lifts her leafy arms to pray;

A tree that may in summer wear
A nest of robins in her hair;

Upon whose bosom snow has lain;
Who intimately lives with rain.

Poems are made by fools like me,
But only God can make a tree.

I’ll bet that if Joyce Kilmer had a garden railroad he would never have written that @&$¥£€>%#^!

Tree dead leaves
Tree live leaves
Tree green thingies
Tree black thingies
Tree twigs
Tree branches
Tree nuts

For some reason as I was blowing tree **** off the layout, Joyce Kilmer’s “Trees” was on my mind.

Bah! Humbug!


Joyce is dead man

You English majors are all alike.

This is here because you were cleaning track?

Please don’t post when you are in the john. :wink:


“Me And My Shadow”

“Like the wallpaper sticks to the wall
Like the seashore clings to the sea
Like you’ll never get rid of your shadow
you’ll never get rid of me”

But it sure would be nice. :wink:


Greg Elmassian said:

This is here because you were cleaning track?

Please don’t post when you are in the john. :wink:


That’s the real danger with those tablet owners. Given the environment it would be surprising if there wouldn’t be even more “glitches”.

:wink: :slight_smile:

Some time back there was a discussion on the radio if it was appropriate to carry on a conversation while sitting on the “throne”. Matters are going downhill rather rapidly! :frowning: :frowning:

But getting back to trees, a model railway in the garden without any trees would be odd … unless one models Nullarbor Plain with just one very long section of straight track with one siding.


Me thinks the heat got to him…:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

Greg Elmassian said:

This is here because you were cleaning track?

Please don’t post when you are in the john. :wink:


Hi Greg, How are you doing today. :slight_smile:

Jerry McColgan said:
“Me And My Shadow” “Like the wallpaper sticks to the wall Like the seashore clings to the sea Like you’ll never get rid of your shadow you’ll never get rid of me” But it sure would be nice. :wink: Jerry

I think that I shall never see
A thing as silly as…thee.

After all the work you went to to get “rid” of one person in particular on the SoapSuds Site, to think one cannot get rid of someone…if I recall, a bit of push here and there, possibly a bit of cheap spirits, and a huge post full of stuff I wouldn’t want my granddaughter reading…seems that’s the way to get “rid” of someone.
You’ve got enough folks here who know what it’s all about, most have seen the post in question…and if they haven’t, a lot of folks have the screen shot to share.
Be careful…you don’t have all those clueless moderators to protect your hide on this forum.

My fan club has arrived.

Heck TOC the last time I was here it was at your personal invitation. YOU ASKED ME TO COME BACK TO LSC. I probably still have your emails about it and how much fun you were having causing problems for that other site.

I’m 69 years old. I am retired. I don’t work for or report to anyone (and haven’t for 14 years).

“Be careful?”

From who?

You lot?

If Bob has anything to say I will respectfully listen to him.

Otherwise its just toothless threats since the last I checked none of you run this site or are even moderators.

Do you really think I care if someone reprints anything I posted somewhere? What are you gonna do? Tell my mommy?

Who else but you lot would turn a world class Joyce Kilmer poem into “potty talk?”

What a class act you guys are.


You actually have a fan club?!? WOW!

:slight_smile: :slight_smile:

I’m impressed!

But getting back to trees; they come in many sizes, like people. So far we planted a “few” of them on our layout in the garden. OTOH the big, curly willows had to go, they had outlived their welcome. Supposedly interfering with the district’s sewer line and clogging the neighbour’s inflow wye.

And you thought there was no connection between trees on a garden railway and “the stuff” that comes down the sewer line?

It’s one more, related, implementation of what I mentioned in this post a few days ago.

:slight_smile: :slight_smile:

I had problems controlling my trees with an iPad. Can someone help me?

Greg Elmassian said:

I had problems controlling my trees with an iPad. Can someone help me?

Silly Goose, you can’t control a tree with an iPad. It takes a Windows App. :slight_smile:

Steve Featherkile said:

Greg Elmassian said:

I had problems controlling my trees with an iPad. Can someone help me?

Silly Goose, you can’t control a tree with an iPad. It takes a Windows App. :slight_smile:

Chainsaw. You guys using a MACmoron…two cycle works, but a two-man, four-cycle, David Bradley will do most tree issues.

Thanks Steve! I knew I was barking up the wrong tree!



No I controll trees with my Ipad all the time… Seriously though…think about having a Holly Tree right in the middle of the mainline loop. Never go barefoot, always have kneepads, and generally leather gloves for doing trackwork…and mine is a male holly so no berries…just lots of pollen…

Bart Salmons said:

Seriously though…think about having a Holly Tree right in the middle of the mainline loop. Never go barefoot, always have kneepads, and generally leather gloves for doing trackwork

I thought you were from WV ?

Greg Elmassian said:

Thanks Steve! I knew I was barking up the wrong tree!



Hmmmm … I don’t know, any male dogs I ever had didn’t bark at trees, they peed on trees. BUT it didn’t seem to impress the trees.

:wink: :slight_smile:

If anyone knows JC Carter, he has a huge “hedgeapple” tree above the tracks… it would drop these which were about the size of hand grenades. It would dent track, smash rolling stock, and then make a sticky mess and meal for squirrels.

The only poetic justice for that tree was a chainsaw. :wink:


Who’s TOC?