Hi Tim
I see the Wild West Forney is back to its sale price before all that hullabalu meltdown drove the prices way up, so the “firesale” is in reality just back down to pre-meltdown street prices.
The Virgin Records store here went under also, they were “discounting” 50% off the listed price, too bad I have a good memory, DVDs I had previously purchases at marked price of $14-$19 were shockingly remarked to $29 and some to $32 for the same freaking DVD!!! Some savings!! mark it up double then “discount” it 50%, theives and I told them so, good riddence!
So I’m too much an old bunny to get excited until I see “firesale” prices below what I can find listed in past GR issues, I know what my pricepoint for the WW Forney is and it aint there yet.
The $150 for the D&RGW switcher is a good price though…too bad I’m not interested.