Large Scale Central

TrainOps 2017

Trying to figure out what weekend to have TrainOps this year. Both Stan and I are available either August 12/13th weekend, as would the 19/20th. Opinions?

Also, I’m pondering having a “run what you brung” non-ops weekend sometime in June. Any takers?

So far, either/or is fine with me. June may be a little sketchy.

Same as Ken. June being sketchy only because I don’t trust my 175K Envoy to pull the trailer that far anymore. Had heating & other issues last trip up. But, Marilyn has a brand new car and the campground has cabin rentals :slight_smile:

This “parttimers” is tough, why couldn’t we go last year? Rodeo?

Did a search on “TrainOps 2016” and yep, it was a rodeo. I think we are off the hook for that now.

The granddaughter has grown and advance to the next level. I’m told the schedule is a little more

flexible, so I’m saying, we are open at this time.

Either August date would be suitable…

June is out… Last good month of spring type weather to work on the layout…

Either date is good, but I sure like the idea of a “fixed” date - so I can make plans accordingly. For instance, The Invasion is always around Bastille Day - so I really don’t even have to think about it.

Eh, not that I’m that busy…but I still make plans. (

Some more things to consider…(

I was looking to see what might be memorable for those dates:

August 13 - International Lefthanders Day (I never knew I had my own day!)
August 13 - National Underwear Day (I suspect most of us are affected by this, but one has to wonder about having only 1 day for underwear - perhaps you should change it daily?)

And the next weekend:

August 19 - National Soft Ice Cream Day (How cool is this?)

August 20 - National Chocolate Pecan Pie Day (What about just regular Pecan Pie???)

Makes it pretty hard to decide…(

On a hysterical note:

August 12 - Birthday - Film pioneer Cecil B. DeMille (1881-1959) was born in Ashfield, Massachusetts. He produced over 70 major films including Cleopatra, The Ten Commandments, and The Greatest Show on Earth.

August 13, 1961 - The Berlin Wall came into existence after the East German government closed the border between east and west sectors of Berlin with barbed wire to discourage emigration to the West

August 20, Birthday - Benjamin Harrison (1833-1901) the 23rd U.S. President was born in North Bend, Ohio. He was the grandson of William Henry Harrison, the 9th President.

August 20, Birthday - Aviation pioneer Orville Wright (1871-1948) was born in Dayton, Ohio

So, it’s pretty clear…pick a date that you like…

Thought I had posted this, but I cant find it. TrainOps 2017 is set for the weekend of Aug 11,12,13. Plan accordingly.

Jeez, I knew this was going to happen, but we won’t make it again this year, because of other travels. Hope all have fun and we can make it next year.

So much fun, so little time. When are clones going to be available at Amazon Prime?

Ric Golding said:

Jeez, I knew this was going to happen, but we won’t make it again this year, because of other travels. Hope all have fun and we can make it next year.

So much fun, so little time. When are clones going to be available at Amazon Prime?

Damn, ok, who wants to be Yardmaster at Burke this year, then?

If we cant get clones going, how about adding days to the week. I could use a few more Monday evenings, and Saturdays…

Bob, I could probably do it…

Reservations made! It seems a long time from now, but I’m betting the time will just zip by.

Bruce Chandler said:

Reservations made! It seems a long time from now, but I’m betting the time will just zip by.

You doing the Bed & Breakfast thing or a motel? We have always camped, but as mentioned above I’m not sure I want to risk blowing up my truck pulling it up there again. The campground does have cabins, if still available.

Daktah John said:

Bruce Chandler said:

Reservations made! It seems a long time from now, but I’m betting the time will just zip by.

You doing the Bed & Breakfast thing or a motel? We have always camped, but as mentioned above I’m not sure I want to risk blowing up my truck pulling it up there again. The campground does have cabins, if still available.

Motels for train stuff. We save the B&B for our get-aways. (

Typically we stay at Holiday Inn Express because I usually have enough points to cover the visit. This year I spent most of my points on a room in New Orleans, so it’s back to real money.

Good lord willin and the crik don’t rise…(

Ive been quiet on this thread, but we’re a month out, and the RR is getting into shape. Still waiting on some switch replacements to show up, but we should be ready. Need to hook the printer up to the new computer for switchlist generation, too.

Looking forward to being there… (

When we get off the plane tomorrow morning we’ll count our money and see if we can make it.

John, wait until you are in a safe place…counting money out in the open in an airport can be quite…um…shall I say, risky?

Got my reservation at the Days Inn in Fitchburg…just down the road from the Dunkin Donuts …(