Large Scale Central

Trackwork at Majestic

That’s just what the doctor ordered…:wink:

Ayup. Get that in place and I can re-line the siding and get the colliery into final position.

Another fine piece of track. Nice Bob

Yea, I can’t wait to get a hold of it. I have too much to do before winter!

The weather guesser says it may be cool and rainy here next week.

Those really look good.

I may have to pull up my 3 way going into the lumber company sidings. The K doesn’t fit past the switch machine heading into the passing siding.

Ken Brunt said:
I may have to pull up my 3 way going into the lumber company sidings. The K doesn't fit past the switch machine heading into the passing siding.
Why not just remove the "switch machine" ? Ralph

If I do that I won’t be able to use the switch…and I would like to have the K use the passing siding if it needs to…or back any cars into the siding…:wink:

(I shoulda said switch stand, since its not really a “machine”…)

Ken Brunt said:
If I do that I won't be able to use the switch..............and I would like to have the K use the passing siding if it needs to........or back any cars into the siding............;)

(I shoulda said switch stand, since its not really a “machine”…)

Can’t fabricate something that will work?
I’ve removed all the manual switch machines from my switches, but they’re not 3 ways.

I’m going to have to make sure that the K will clear the stand for this 3-way, too. I assume it will, Rodney is pretty detailed when it comes to his work.

The switch stand needs to be moved back about 1/8 ", so I need longer ties under the switch stand, and the throw bar needs to be longer. It’s easier to do all that on the work bench than trying to mess with it while it’s in place. About a 10 minute job…:wink:


The top cylinders on the K just rub the stand on the way by going into the passing siding. And if the handle is thrown all the way over for the log dump siding the K will knock it back into the passing siding position. I didn’t realize how big that sucker was…:wink:

I didn’t own a Shay when I built my tunnel.

This summer I had to rebuild the tunnel. I had dug it down to lower the track for the Shay and when we had a big storm the tunnel flooded!

At least I now know which engine to check clearances with!

FedEx dropped off the 3-way today. Its pouring outside right now, so sorry for the picture quality, as I took them inside. (caveat, Rodney does advertise here) Rodney has outdone himself again. The switch is amazingly well built, and the linkage and switch stand are works of art unto themselves. The pictures dont do them justice.






That’s a piece of art for sure…nice looking switch.

Very nice. Are you going to weather it?

The switch-stand will get painted black with a red/white target. The switch will weather itself being outside. Rain stopped, so I ran outside, removed the existing switch and some track, and dropped them back in their final position.


The passing siding needs to get relined, and the colliery shifted a bit, but the switches are in their final places.