Large Scale Central

Track realignment at Burke (and beyond)

Bob McCown said:
Bruce: Great! You can start raking leaves before everyone else gets here!
LMAO...........grab a rake and shut up Chandler! :)
Bruce Chandler said:
Raking leaves is a fall job. That's not building a railroad! Next, you'll want me to mow the yard.
Heehee. Actually, I got about half the RR raked out today. Yuck!

Started checking out one the spiral EB out of Burke. Ill need to get some 2x6 or 2x8 before I can work on it, but it looks pretty easy to re-align.

This week, with rain scheduled until Wednesday, will be switch building week, I think.

Bruce Chandler said:
Raking leaves is a fall job.
Not true!! Did lot's of it this weekend ! ;)

It all sounds like fun guys.

Bob, the main yard looks great!


I suppose you could calibrate this using a few different radii sectional curves…

Joe Satnik

Dont be fooled this is what Bruce will be doing when he gets their.

Good tune Shawn - Probably got that about right too :smiley:

“Toes in the water and ass in the sand”…yep, them were good days :wink:

Over the weekend, track crews dropped sub-roadbed for Williamsport, and cut away all the scrub brush that had overgrown the siding, exposing the deteriorated ballast below. Plowing and grading, and installation of a new sub-roadbed, will happen this week, depending on the weather outlook.

May is closing in fast.

Ayup. Plenty to do!

Rough track plan of Williamsport. From frog to frog of the mainline switches is about 22 feet.


So is Williamsport going to be a lumber town?

HAH. Nope, a shipper-outer port town.

Updated track plan for Williamsport. Only one switch off the siding.


Looks like an interesting place to do a lot of work without fouling the main.

ROW grading at Williamsport is complete, and trackwork is at a standstill until more spikes show up (delivery tomorrow, allegedly). Here’s where things stand now Entering Williamsport from Burke


View back up the siding


Mainline continues


Industry spurs at Williamsport will be on the right here


looking good, Bob…

This is the best time of the year to work outside. If you must be at home, it’s great to have the good weather and a project to keep you busy.

Looking forward to seeing it in person soon.

Looks like a good bit of progress is taking place there Bob, don’t forget a little variety with some facing and trailing point switch operation. :slight_smile: