Large Scale Central

Track realignment at Burke (and beyond)

Yep. Been in the high 60s here the last couple days, and supposed to be more of the same for the weekend.

Dang it 2-4 inches of snow here tonight and tomorrow! Was gonna fix up two of my curves that give me problems but will have to wait now. 60 on Monday. Like they say Ne. weather wait 15mins or so and it’ll change!! Regal

I was thinking today as I drove home in 70 degree sunshine, this is still technically winter!

The railroad is coming along nicely Bob. Looks great :slight_smile:

Nice looking yard Bob. Do all those switches have new ties under them already? If so, you’ve been busier then a beaver. What number switches are you using in your yard? I know the lead-in switches are #6’s. Looking great, can’t wait to get started moving dirt in the next few weeks. My best friend is lending me his small tractor with a front bucket and box scrapper. I have to level the back yard and change the foot print of the old layout before I can start laying track again.


Chuck: Those switches were mostly already made up, I just used the spiker to fix up a couple of “pointed the wrong way” switch lever ties. They’re all Llagas #6 switches. Makes the yard a bit long, but I really like the look.

Hey Bob,

How did the SwitchCrafters switch hold up over the winter? Unfortunitly I have way to much code 332 brass track to switch over to code 250 again, although your track looks great. I really like the way you’re laying out Burke. I actually tried code 250 track several years ago with another manufacturer’s track because I was a dealer for their product, but it didn’t hold so I went back to AristoCraft brass track. I’ll be using some of the aluminum SwitchCrafters switches as I am totally battery now.

What type of “Electronic” forms where you talking about for the banner?


I had my two #8’s out all winter, and they show no signs of wear at all. No spikes raised or anything.


` Bob - in the photo above, I think I see some screws holding the track down. Do my eyes deceive me, or are these screws between the ties, and if so, what is the rational for doing that? That was question number one, here comes number two… Is the wood that you are using pressure treated? Cedar? Redwood? Non PT? Enquiring minds want to know. Thanks - Steve

Get some deck screws - they’re not silver.

I used some like that. Cut a hole in a piece of styrene and used that as a mask for spraying brown Krylon on the screws.

Yep, they’re flat bottomed screws. I use deck screws, too, at times, and then spray everything brown. Easy enough. As long as you dont gronch the screw down and distort the tie, there are no problems.

Deck is PT lumber.

Is that Llagas track?

Yep, thats all Llagas code 215 NS. Good stuff

Yo Bob!!
With all the work you’re doing, is there going to be anything to do on ???
When was that date?
Could you give us an update?

Oh yea, this is just the main yard. There’s lots of work to be done!

Still shooting for the weekend of May 13-16. Thursday-Sunday, though I think Bruce is showing up Wednesday. I have saws, and one cordless drill. Ill have lumber and trex spline, and stakes, bricks, etc for leveling. And I have a mostly-thought-out trackplan.


Do you have a track layout CAD program? I think a drawing would come in handy, as you could check for “S” curves and too tight (too small radius) turns.


Joe Satnik

Well, driving up Wednesday, anyway. I wouldn’t expect to work much that day. But I never do. :wink:

Thursday we should be able to get an early start.

No CAD program, everything I’m using is flex, and Ive managed to frustrate myself using a designer program and trying to do all flex.

Bruce: Great! You can start raking leaves before everyone else gets here!

Raking leaves is a fall job. That’s not building a railroad! Next, you’ll want me to mow the yard.

or take out the trash…:wink:

Take out the papers and the trash
Or you don’t get no spendin’ cash
If you don’t scrub that kitchen floor
You ain’t gonna rock and roll no more
Yakety yak (don’t talk back)