Large Scale Central

ToddH Challenge 2017

I am off to a slow start this year with our trip and returning sick as a dog. I have just now laid out the fine Taylor tiles and the planning gears are starting to turn. Last year was easy when I decided to build a copy of my wifes friends Irish barn using the Taylor Tin. After pouring over the photos from this years trip to England and Ireland I hoped that one of the buildings I snapped would be a good one for the build challenge but no such luck. I think I might need to combine elements from different structures to come up with something unique yet that will look right at home on the RR.

Should I build a pub, a keepers house or a simple stone building? Should it be a free standing building or a facade?

I have the blocks laid out on a table and I am trying different window and door arrangements to see just how far these will stretch to give me an idea of the overall size of the structure.

Hmm lots of planning to do and I already feel like I am running out of time. The blocks are certainly very cool looking and there is a nice feel to them.

Always a need for a pub with RR guys around, Todd. it would fit in with the Ireland building from last year

my 2cents

A Pub would be nice. But since you are talking about an island, how about a lighthouse? Or a solid stone pier/wharf?

How about a NE root cellar?


I go0gled New England root cellars in images… got tons of ideas

Houston it’s a go!


I’m voting for the local pub. I was over there once and I was astonished at how much drinking goes on over there and how much time the boys spend in the pub with their “mates!” I sure couldn’t keep up, no way!

John, yea. I used to be able to keep up, when I was younger. But now, since I am out of practice, I just can’t keep up. So I don’t bother trying.

I’ll have a ginger ale.

Not only can I no longer keep up it hurts for three times as long when I try. Just isn’t worth it. I’ll be the DD

Devon, oh yea. I forgot about the morning after. Its been so long since I had one of those. I am the designated driver, because its my Jeep that I go in. I am hesitant to ride with other folks, most of the time, because too many folks I know, don’t get enough practice at driving to be proficient at it.

Hey, if you don’t want to do the root cellar, maybe a bunker could work. It would use more stones, and, like the root cellar, you only have to model the entrance.

Todd, How about a line side Putt Putt shack. Can go most anywhere on the pike. For fancy, on one end add a tool shed.

I am leaning toward a pub and might borrow the name from one that we went into in London. It was called “The Hung Drawn and Quartered” and it featured ales and pies. It also had dozens of portraits of English rulers through the centuries that had sentenced the worse criminals to that very gross execution practice. Dismal yes but the place was upbeat and the meat pie and pint of “London Pride” was yum. The only problem was it was a brick faced building not stone.

I might have to get creative and combine elements. Hmmm should I do a thatched roof or slate tile? The gears are starting to turn.

Nice photos John C. Near me is a strip mall built into a hill like that and a VFW plus several houses.

It is shocking how much people can drink despite the 0 tolerance policy the police/gardai have towards driving under the influence. My wifes brother knows a guy that can routinely put away 16 pints in one outing and still function.

You could do something like this in stone…

After much thought on design and a few sketches I have finally officially started. Most of the blocks have been spray painted in different shades of grey, a bit of brown with a hint of green. My plan is to build an Irish pub with a thatched roof. The building is about 8x10 and will be a companion to my Victorian Station.

Todays progress. The basic shape. I decided not to cut the windows out due to trying to get the blocks tight and will instead paint black behind the plexi that goes on to represent glass like I have done before. Still many unanswered questions but it sure is nice to finally have a direction.

Well Todd after the glow of the nice spread in GR you are getting a late start on the Pub, Looks like a good plan and Beer and BBQ will definitely be sending a boxcar of beer to your pub when it opens for business

Thanks Pete, we have the beer but BBQ would be appreciated! LOL

Today some more progress was made and one wall now has the Taylor stone applied.

His blocks are so nice and it is somewhat therapeutic to put them on.

Photos to follow when the second wall is on.

Progress is being made on the pub.

The second wall went on and today the other side was started when it dawned on me that the pub should have a chimney and I will have just enough Taylor blocks to make it happen. I am now considering cutting out the windows.

The thirsty bosses are trying to figure out where the door is? Not yet Gentlemen…

looks great

Todd Haskins said:… I am now considering cutting out the windows…

Easy for me to say, but it’s coming along too well I think not to cut out windows.

Chimney can always be centered on the roof, that way you don’t have to change the outer walls ya know