Way back during my layouts first incarnation I built this industrial façade. It covered most, but not all, of the one wall.
That left me with this corner, a cramped space with ‘reach’ issues. After accumulating a few tank cars, I decided it would be a small refinery, and got put on the ‘someday’ list.
Looks like ‘someday’ has arrived…after most of a decade. Space constraints being what they are, most of the refinery will be a façade with almost no depth. The exception will be the distillation tower (made from spray paint cans) and an adjoining processing section (4x4 covered with some pop can siding I have laying around - once I locate it again.) Have to think about the facade’s for the storage tanks. Probably will make use of some of the leftover Colorado Mountain pieces scattered about the workbench. Anyhow, the ‘plan’ - done on an envelope because that was what I had