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The United States Constitution

So many people don’t know what it says, or think they know what it says. Especially, the first amendment:

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

It appears our judges don’t want us to know what it says either.

Which judges?

Never forget, “Judges” are just bad lawyers that couldn’t make a fortune off the public, without help. None of them can stand the idea that they might not be allowed to interpret and apply the words of the Constitution the way they want to. Remember I believe one of those lawyers was quoted as saying - “It depends on what the definition of is, is”.

Tom Ruby said:
and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
I'd like to know the procedure for doing this.:lol: Ralph

Q. How do you address the person who graduated last in his law school class?

A: “Your Honor.”


“Regarding the Heller decision in which ’The People’ narrowly prevailed, 5-4, what is scary is that what should have been a 9-0 decision came within one vote of usurping our right, guaranteed in black and white and in clear English in the Constitution! This decision is not one to celebrate. We should ponder the ignorance of the American people, and worse the four Justices who voted against it, failing to understand the document that guarantees their freedoms.”

Ken Brunt said:
"Regarding the Heller decision in which ’The People’ narrowly prevailed, 5-4, what is scary is that what should have been a 9-0 decision came within one vote of usurping our right, guaranteed in black and white and in clear English in the Constitution! This decision is not one to celebrate. We should ponder the ignorance of the American people, and worse the four Justices who voted against it, failing to understand the document that guarantees their freedoms."
I'll say an Amen to that Ken. Right on the money! It sure gets tiring having so many judges reading the Constitution as they believe it should be instead of the way it's written.

My libertarian friend says it’s time to overthrow the government.

Tom Ruby said:
My libertarian friend says it's time to overthrow the government.
Probably past time. The legal way is at the ballot box. Some think voting doesn't work and others just don't bother. I [b]always vote[/b], even though many of the available choices are pretty lame.

Still, the United States of America and its citizens have survived and prospered for 232 years, so something must be getting done right!!

Happy RRing,


I think the biggest difficulty with voting is that people vote stupidly. A lady called the radio talk show a while back to say she was supporting Hillory because we have to put a stop to abortion. I never thought I’d hear Chris Fabry speechless.


I had to look up “Chris Fabry” first in order to appreciate your comment.

My comment: It’s a good thing that the “Bliss Factor” is an “equal opportunity institution”. :wink: :slight_smile:

Stupidity is a God given right and voting such is allowed by the Constitution.

Stupid or not we have the right to vote as we see fit for whatever reason. On balance it all comes out, mostly.

It wasn’t too long ago that European royalty thought (knew) that it was folly for average people to be able to govern themselves. After all weren’t they trained from birth to govern and rule? What did the average person know? Many could not even read and write. While revolution worried the elite certainly the idea of democracy did not as it could not possibly work. Too, the reason the common people were poor and hungry was because they were lazy and stupid. Not at all imtelligent and sophisticated like the ruling elite. Which brings us full circle back to “stupid”.

We must be very careful about disenfranchising any voter because they lack common sense. Personally I’d rather have a few honest but mediochre officials voted in by less than fully illuminated voters that while making mistakes have the country’s best interests at heart than those loaded with acumen (real or imagined) more interested in themselves and their own agendas. We have too many of this type on both sides of the aisle in my estimation.

The vote along with free speech is our most important right as citizens and we should exercise those rights at every opportunity. So fellow members of the ignorant but honest proletariat join me and let your voice be heard at the ballot box even if I might not like the way you vote!

Richard Smith said:
Personally I'd rather have a few honest but mediochre officials voted in by less than fully illuminated voters that while making mistakes have the country's best interests at heart than those loaded with acumen (real or imagined) more interested in themselves and their own agendas. We have too many of this type on both sides of the aisle in my estimation.
Honest is the biggest requirement. But an honest person has little chance with the voter. We will not elect someone who honestly tells us the hard work and unpopular choices we have to make to "right" the ship. Ralph

Honesty is the only thing that matters.

Honest people tend to do the “right” thing no matter what their political persuasion.

Most of this mess started with FDR, who convinced the Supreme Court that they should “interpret” the Constitution to achieve a desired outcome.

Ray, the Supreme Court has been interpreting the law since Marbury Vs Madison, 1803. It’s their job

A couple famous examples

Dred Scot, where the Supreme Court interpreted the law to insist that “the negro had no rights a white man was bound to respect.” Dred Scott invalidated state laws abolishing slavery–as Lincoln wrote, "We shall lie down pleasantly, dreaming that the people of Missouri are on the verge of making their State free, and we shall awake to the reality instead, that the Supreme Court has made Illinois a slave State.” Illinois had banned slavery–the Dred Scott case made it illegal to abolish slavery.

Plessy vs Ferguson, 1896, in which the Supreme Court interpreted this amendment to the constitution, #15:

Section 1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude."

to mean that it was ok to legally segregate and disenfranchise based on color.

The idea that “interpretation” is something FDR invented is, sorry, completely preposterous.

Tom Ruby said:
My libertarian friend says it's time to overthrow the government.
I'm trying not to laugh at this. I mean, here we are at a forum populated by men, mostly retired, who have been able to earn the income and the leisure time to play with expensive toy trains. Exactly what groaning weight of oppression are we suffering from here?

Turning off the talk radio is a good idea, IMHO. It’s all about fanning imaginary resentments

mike omalley said:
Tom Ruby said:
My libertarian friend says it's time to overthrow the government.
I'm trying not to laugh at this. I mean, here we are at a forum populated by men, mostly retired, who have been able to earn the income and the leisure time to play with expensive toy trains. Exactly what groaning weight of oppression are we suffering from here?
And we'd like to keep it and spend it how we please. Not have the government confiscate it and redistribute it to every "entitlement group" that has their hand out.
Jerry Bowers said:
Tom Ruby said:
My libertarian friend says it's time to overthrow the government.
Probably past time. The legal way is at the ballot box. Some think voting doesn't work and others just don't bother. I [b]always vote[/b], even though many of the available choices are pretty lame.

Still, the United States of America and its citizens have survived and prospered for 232 years, so something must be getting done right!!

Happy RRing,


Hey Jerry,

232 years is nothing, compare to other(3xolder) democratizes, the USA is still a child. To bad that the USA is not a real democratize, the US democratize ends on state level. When i observe what is going on, all this earmars, and sponsoring, and constante wars, it makes me sick, sad sad sad.

think global Pius

Here a interesting link with a list of democratizes and their score. Sad to see that the USA is not in the top then, we should work to change that. Think global Pius
