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The United States Constitution

PJ said:
Jerry Bowers said:
Tom Ruby said:
My libertarian friend says it's time to overthrow the government.
Probably past time. The legal way is at the ballot box. Some think voting doesn't work and others just don't bother. I [b]always vote[/b], even though many of the available choices are pretty lame.

Still, the United States of America and its citizens have survived and prospered for 232 years, so something must be getting done right!!

Happy RRing,


Hey Jerry,

232 years is nothing, compare to other(3xolder) democratizes, the USA is still a child. To bad that the USA is not a real democratize, the US democratize ends on state level. When i observe what is going on, all this earmars, and sponsoring, and constante wars, it makes me sick, sad sad sad.

think global Pius

Just what other “democracies” are you referring to? There weren’t very many that came before and of those that did most were first efforts that gave far more weight to the few than the masses.

The biggest problem we have isn’t with our laws or rights but rather with the corruptability of mankind which in turn gives money too much influence. But this is true in all the world’s societies. Giving up our sovereignty and self determination to a global entity isn’t going to help one wit. In fact it would be very stupid! Try a bit of patriotism and take pride in the achievements of your country, whichever it is, and help to move it forward.

The United States is not a democracy, rather, it is a republic. Not the same thing at all.

Look it up.

Ummmm, PJ, if the United States is so disappointing to you, why are you here?

Oh, yeah, I remember, because it is so much better than any place else!

Steve Featherkile said:
Ummmm, PJ, if the United States is so disappointing to you, why are you here?

Oh, yeah, I remember, because it is so much better than any place else!

:open_mouth: :wink: :open_mouth:

Hey look at that table, Canada is ahead of Switzerland. How is that possible?? :open_mouth: :confused:

Hi Steve
be aware that i have no intend to insult anyone, i am convinced that democracy is the best way to govern, i see democracy as the ONLY way to live as a free man. A real democratic person will never shut off someone else with a different opinion. A real democratic person knows that it is impossible to share every opinion in this world, but such person would respect any different opinion. A real democracy allows everyone to have a opinion, and to speak about it.

Steve you wrote:The United States is not a democracy, rather, it is a republic. Not the same thing at all.
-You are right, not the same thing, but both a part of the USA. Pleas allow me correct that statement, the USA is a State federation, and a democracy. Both, state federation, and democracy can co exist at the same time. Here a question for you, what is more important for you, to live in a State federation, or in a democracy?

Steve you wrote:Ummmm, PJ, if the United States is so disappointing to you, why are you here?
-Where did i mention that i am disappointed about the USA, pleas do not claim things i did not say! If there is anything to be disappointed, it is the american public who cares little about real politics, blind people who do not see what is going on. The governing form is not our problem, rather what we make out of it.

Richard asked: Just what other “democracies” are you referring to?
For example, the first known democratic government was in Greece, and we have seen many more coming since then. Richard, here a link to a list with democratic governments.

think global Pius

Just because one is not born in the USA does not mean the individual gives up the right to criticize or protest.
As for PJ’s index, I’m not familiar with the source, Economic Intelligence Unit. Sounds like something from the new" Get Smart" movie.
The US is a good place to live. “So much better than any place else!” I do not think anywhere is so much better than any place else. I do know I’d rather live in the US than many other countries.


Hans-Joerg Mueller said:

Thanks HJ,
I’ll be checking out the site.
I thought it was legitimate, but the name struck me as comical.

I’m really puzzled now–this thread started as a criticism of judges and a number of people added very harsh critiques of the whole judicial system as full of lazy self serving incompetents, hopelessly corrupt. A couple people called for revolution!

So how come PJ’s post gets an angry, “love it or leave it” response?

Mikie, who said “Love it or leave it?”

As to the rest of it, thread hijacking is required, here, :lol:

Steve Featherkile said:
Ummmm, PJ, if the United States is so disappointing to you, why are you here?

Oh, yeah, I remember, because it is so much better than any place else!

Hi Steve

You wrote: PJ, if the United States is so disappointing to you, why are you here?
-Are you aware that you pick on a LEGAL emigrant, are you aware that most american citizen would not qualify for immigration? I belief you are asking the wrong questions! Then years ago it was hard to immigrate, and today it is even harder. Then years ago it was required to have a perfect non existing criminal record, you needed good health (prove by tests), a education preferable university degree, and you needed a savings account with minimal $30000. The Legal immigrants are not our problem, you are asking the wrong questions, i belief you should ask our government why we have so much illegals here.

Steve you wrote: because it is so much better than any place else!
-I guess, in your view the USA is the best place on earth to live. My question to you, in how many different countries have you lived to know, is your judgment based on real experience? I know, we always are told that the USA is the best place on earth, but sometimes it would not hurt to go out there and make your own experience. When a american, well known newspaper, generates a list with most democratic countries, and the USA is not under the 15 best, we should ask our selfs why it might be that way.

think global Pius


quote:“232 years is nothing, compare to other(3xolder) democratizes, the USA is still a child.”

An interesting site listing democracies but you referred to those in existence prior to the US. Most of those were not very democratic in 1776.

As to lists and ratings, they can be made to whatever critria one wishes as needed to support an agenda. If you take the word of the news media as gospel then you are naive indeed. Better to judge by our own experiences.

I love this country. It’s never been unfair or unjust to me, ever. The US had been the most charitable and just country that’s ever wielded such great power. Just imagine almost any other nation other than perhaps the UK or its former partners in the same postion of power. If the US were to disappear and just one other nation was to fill its slot other than the aforementioned which would you choose? I daresay the prospects are scary.

I see no need to concern myself with what other countries or biased and slanted newspapers think about my country. Imperfect? Sure, but as long as humans are imperfect you won’t find any better than the good ol’ USA!

May I ask what you mean by your signature line - “think global”?

PJ, I served over 20 years in the US Navy, on both coasts, afloat. To count the number of countries that I have lived in for a month of more, I would have to use the digits on both hands and both feet, and I still would not be able to count the total. These are in Europe, Africa, Asia and Central America. Sadly, I was only able to spend a week in Oman, though. I did not find any place that even came close to what the USA has to offer, with the possible exception of Canada.

That HJ calls it home signifies that I might have missed something, though, so Canada deserves further investigation.

So, I guess that you are right, in my view, the USA is the best place to live. Appearantly, so do you.

One other thing, once, on leaving the Arabian Gulf, I did click my heels together three times and say, “There’s no place like Perth, there’s no place like Perth, there’s no place…” :lol:

You and I agree that illegal immigration is a serious problem.

edited because my keyboard stiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiicks

Steve Featherkile said:

edited because my keyboard stiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiicks

OK Steve is this what you meant my keyboard stiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinks ? In that case put it in the dishwasher (extra rinse cycle). :lol: :lol:

naw, iiiiiiiiiiiiiit don’t smell much, but the iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii key gets stuck and IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII have to pull the key up.

Steve Featherkile said:
naw, iiiiiiiiiiiiiit don't smell much, but the iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii key gets stuck and IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII have to pull the key up.
Thanks to our good friends in China you can get a new keyboard for about three bucks. Ralph

Gonna try the dishwasher, first… :smiley:

ol’ PJ must be a politician…he never did answer the question…:wink:

Ken Brunt said:
ol' PJ must be a politician........he never did answer the question.........;)
what question?

think global Pius