Large Scale Central

The OFFICIAL Summer Photo Thread

Since summer is winding down I took some pictures of my live steam Forney running today. It wont be long and the fall running thread will be taken over.







Yeah since the Fall is coming…took today and railfanned Locomotive No2 hauling The Port Lavender Mail…





Looks good!

Last Run of Summer, Got a little chilly yesterday. A Pumpkin in the Garden.


Chilly? We are forecasted low 90’s again this week. I always look forward to Fall.

Ric Golding said:

Chilly? We are forecasted low 90’s again this week. I always look forward to Fall.

Right now it’s in the mid-50’s, going up to around 70 this afternoon…:wink:

Nick S. said:

Last Run of Summer, Got a little chilly yesterday. A Pumpkin in the Garden.


Those are great pictures Nick!

Shawn Viggiano said:

Since summer is winding down I took some pictures of my live steam Forney running today. It wont be long and the fall running thread will be taken over.


This makes me want to buy a live steam engine, great pic!

Ric Golding said:

Chilly? We are forecasted low 90’s again this week. I always look forward to Fall.

Chilly here. Went down to 41 at my house and some of the valley area went into the mid 30’s (Walpack 35) I do love the fall up until the leaves start to fall.

Vincent you would love live steam. Sometghing about the steam plumes, the sound and the small of steam oil especially on a cool day.

Thanks Vincent,

It’s always fun taking pictures when running…:slight_smile:

Ric Golding said:

Chilly? We are forecasted low 90’s again this week. I always look forward to Fall.


46 Degrees last night, Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr…

70 today, tomorrow and Wed high 90’s ooooooooo crap then back to 60’s for end of week.

Maybe I should move to California were its always 70’s, But then I will always have to worry

about the state falling into the ocean when it finally breaks away…:slight_smile:


Ain’t chilly here… Temp today is 98, with a heat index of 105… Tomorrows supposed to be the same, or a tad warmer…

Shawn Love that Forney. But sounds like this thread is turning into the weather thread.:wink:

Andy Clarke said:

Ain’t chilly here… Temp today is 98, with a heat index of 105… Tomorrows supposed to be the same, or a tad warmer…


You guys can have it, I’l take it a little chilly :slight_smile:


Back on track.



I got to do some switching @ the new Factory today.First we drop the cabeese, then on thru the switches to the Factory.


Looks like were du for some acorns this year!


Here are some close ups of the factory !






The new bridge looks kinda cool in the pics!

Crew of to the next location! Hot one today MUGGY and in the 80’s!! sat 60’s??


And the final summer photo’s




Now that looks a lot like the sludge werks that someone is werking on…:wink:

It ant over till its over;)

Ron Tremblay said:

It ant over till its over;)

For me not the thread…


I have to admit I like QSI,Very simple.