Large Scale Central

The OFFICIAL Summer Photo Thread

Looking good guys

I was heading out for pictures, and…

here came the next thunderstorm. Maybe this weekend will be nice.

Lots of great photos posted so far. It is nice to see Summer sunshine glistening on the trains.
Here is a fun photo from my RR.


Little switching before the afternoon monsoons roll thru.

Nice shots, Nick…

Some more photos I took today:




Charlie Brown just got in a new SD70mac!


As you can see the bull is there to watch over things!


While it’s in the 70’s Charlie thought they should install the plow but things did get a little confusing!


We will be seeing more of this new engine!

I had a chance and took the Cricket out for a run yesterday before more storms hit the Kittatinny Mtns. Last few days have seen temps well above normal for these parts.

oops wrong cricket…













Richard Beverly said:

my track inspection at Stan Ames

ok why photo shows in but not after

I can see the photos in the editor. But it doesn’t show the code you used.
This has happened before to others. I don’t remember the solution :wink:

track insp. at Stan Ames


got it thanks Ralph

Sean McGillicuddy said:

Charlie Brown just got in a new SD70mac!


As you can see the bull is there to watch over things!


While it’s in the 70’s Charlie thought they should install the plow but things did get a little confusing!


We will be seeing more of this new engine!

Yup I luv My Macs too…


What’s this very cute little loco ? Is it a real steam engine ?

Chef Degare said:


What’s this very cute little loco ? Is it a real steam engine ?

Its a Bellflower Locomotive works, live steam cricket. It is loosly based off of the Byers geared steam engine.

Here is a video I made of mine running in the Spring.

N&W 2017 thunders across Wide Mouth trestle on a mild summer day




I think it better back up (there’s no track ahead of it in the middle picture).

Joe Zullo said:

I think it better back up (there’s no track ahead of it in the middle picture).

yep, thats the end of the line for the time being, we recently purchased a historic home in the richest little town…well it was back in the early 1900’s… In Bramwell WV and all extra funds have been diverted to its restoration for the time being. plus the up keep of our little farm we reside at currently and maintaining 5 cars 2 full size Dodge Rams ( one for work one for play ) 1 Dakota for farm use, The Wifes Saab, and finally Gramps my 1965 Kaiser Jeep restoration project. Plus I have to finish clearing out where the R.O.W is going to be, and getting fill dirt brought in for that part of the line a mound of dirt 6 feet tall and 30 feet long is a large amount of dirt…not to mention pricey for “clean” dirt.

Geez guys your trains and layouts are getting better and better and that low shot of the N&W 2017 WOW That is incredible Shawn.
Here is another shot of my humble mess of a RR. We have had nothing but rain lately but I managed to dodge the drops and set up the new truss bridge heading to the new yard. The bridge doesn’t really span anything since the benchwork is solid but it does provide a resting and keep it off the tracks spot for the bosses creeping vine plant.


Fantastic Shots guys, keep’em coming


This is an AWESOME SHOT!!! Too bad its sooooo clean …Fresh outta the wash racks at Bluefield right?

Bart Salmons said:


This is an AWESOME SHOT!!! Too bad its sooooo clean …Fresh outta the wash racks at Bluefield right?

You Got It Bart, 2017’s fresh from the wash racks In Bluefield and topped off with coal from the huge 4 track coaling tower located there.