We agree that Bushes economic policy was a joke, I did not agree with it at all. He was not fiscally responsable at all.
But the new agenda seems like it wants to punish the people who make this countries wealth. Take politics out, who produces wealth? Not the government, they are a NEGATIVE drain on the economy, so why GROW the government, it goes against all PRINCIPLES in growing an economy, again, who produces the wealth in this country that the government takes from?
Why punish the person who either produces something, or has a service business, or CREATES wealth.
Who creates Jobs? It is not the government, its privates business or small business owners. You want to create Jobs, give people who PRODUCE wealth more money to GROW there business.
All the government does is keep putting more and more rules that business has to follow, do you think that it does not cost business more to follow these rules? Who do you think then PAYS MORE for there product or service?
Obama has NEVER been in the private sector at all, so what is the first thing he does, spend money he does not have, thats what he knows, who has the purse strings of the government, Congress does, everyone in Congress either Democrat or Republican who voted for all this spending should be voted out of Congress.
This is not jab at Obama, but his economic policies against wealth producers.
My last question, what happens when we have no more wealth producers in this country, what happens when people just get fed up with repressive taxes and stop producing wealth? Where are they(democrats and republicans) going to get the money?