Large Scale Central

The missing link found?


several days ago on television news, video footage of wild Macak (spelling?) monkeys in Thailand (over 100 individuals in the group) were shown flossing their teeth. The flossing tape preferred is human hair. It was shown that when adults were instructing their young to floss their teeth, they took more time and care than when normal flossing. The same behaviour has been reported in wild Macaks in Japan. The missing link may be not that far down the evolutionary chain and for some the link may be blatantly obvious.

This is a real sign:


Could be a useful sign elswhere online if ya know what I mean… :wink:

Victor Smith said:
This is a real sign:


Could be a useful sign elswhere online if ya know what I mean… :wink:

NEWSFLASH: Those that claim they evolved from these creatures never lost this ability.


TonyWalsham said:

Now you are getting very personal David. :wink:

Is that the best you can do by way of intelligent commentary?

…said the pot to the kettle.

There’s this sub species of Chimpanzees in Africa that pass their time by having sex. Not for procreation.
Sound familiar? :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Tony, whatever else is happening in the world today, good, bad or indifferent, you can bet your last cent that whatever is posted on this forum, no matter what the subject is, Mr Hill will unavailingly have something objectionable to say about it.

I am coming to the conclusion that he does not actual exist, as you and I do, in a physical sense. After all, we have actually met face to face, you and I. No, I think that ‘Mr Hill’ is a programme trojan that invades innocent fora like this one, and is programmed to sow dissent by positing either religious or political 180’s, skilfully arranged to be contrary to all other posters, no matter what THEIR POV is, by design.

Somewhere, there is a plug to the ‘Mr Hill’ programme, and the sooner it is found, the better this forum will be for it.

Best wishes from up here


Terry A de C Foley said:
Tony, whatever else is happening in the world today, good, bad or indifferent, you can bet your last cent that whatever is posted on this forum, no matter what the subject is, Mr Hill will unavailingly have something objectionable to say about it.

I am coming to the conclusion that he does not actual exist, as you and I do, in a physical sense. After all, we have actually met face to face, you and I. No, I think that ‘Mr Hill’ is a programme trojan that invades innocent fora like this one, and is programmed to sow dissent by positing either religious or political 180’s, skilfully arranged to be contrary to all other posters, no matter what THEIR POV is, by design.

Somewhere, there is a plug to the ‘Mr Hill’ programme, and the sooner it is found, the better this forum will be for it.

Best wishes from up here


Are you back AGAIN? I thought you had your fill of your lame insults and inane (misspelled) comments.

See what I mean, Tony - the ‘Hill’ programme responds with a ‘remark’!

It’s very good, eh?

It fails to recognise, for some reason, that there are posters that have posted more than IT has, and ask if I’m back again, when in fact I was posting way before it was put on this forum by its keeper.

You’ll notice that every now and then, in a seemingly random Brownian Motion fashion, it throws in a model railroad-related comment or posit, and then, when anybody responds to it, immediately begins another thread elsewhere on a totally different, usually dissident, subject.

It even has a store of well-known patriotic aphorisms and quotes to underline its comments. I’ll say this much - whoever wrote the programme was pretty smart, but flawed, like all Trojans.




It is obvious that many have their own evolutionary branch. When one checks back along the branch they find that it is not connected to the evolutionary tree and actually has no roots to support it. Scientists carried out carbon-14 dating on the branch and discovered that it was actually only 6000 years old. Common belief is that the members of the branch are the hapless victims of a cruel hoax perpetrated on them. It is believed that in time, the branch will wither and die out due the branch having no nutrient support from the main evolutionary tree.

It is hoped that, one day, scientists will find evidence of their existence in fossilised remains and be able to study them to determine characteristics like cranial cavity volume and other markers, to determine possible intelligence level and adaptation to their environment. It is believed that, at one time, they actually coexisted with rational thinking human beings that had evolved over several million years, rather than suddenly appearing just a few thousand years ago.

Aha, it’s Moe, Larry and Curly ganging up and name calling, which is the usual best effort by those that defend the indefensible.

Unable to carry on an intelligent debate? Can’t find anything on Goggle to confuse the issue? Resort to childish name-calling and attack the messenger. Standard fare for the weak-minded.

Tony, see how it cunningly turns around the thread so that it appears to be the victim rather than the perpetrator. It has an almost human-like disdain of any form of criticism. I’d bet that it reacts to certains key words or phrases in our responses, like that ‘conversation-making’ robot that was on TV a few years ago.

I’d bet that if one of us were to write a sentence including the words ‘of course, David, you are completely correct in every postulation that you have posted, and I, along with the rest of the rational population of the planet that most of us live on, are totally wrong to criticise you in any way’ that the response would be a lot more friendly.

A positive reaction would prove my theory - that we ARE dealing with a clever programme.

A negative response would prove that we are just dealing with a unpleasant Walter Mitty-like character with an over-developed super-ego.



David Hill said:
Aha, it's Moe, Larry and Curly
David, my favourites. I was never a fan of Shemp. You could be Shemp if you wish.

<<Yes. They are called Bonobos. See the article in the link I provided.>>

Yes, I recall watching something about them on PBS. I just couldn’t remember what tribe they were from.
I guess I should have read your post and link more closely. The Bonobos are more like us than the other Chimps.
The others kill each other and raid nearby groups. They are cannibals and eat other meat.
Well, after further thought, maybe they are more like us.


the Bonobos were the first conscientious objectors - ‘make love, not war.’ Many view chimps as the lovable little primates on television shows. Chimps on television are rarely older than 18 months due their vicious nature. Truth be known, they are, as you say, ritualistic killers who regularly invade the territory of other tribes of chimps and kill and eat their victims. A mature age chimp (around 8 years old) is as powerful as several adult male humans.

    The Bonobos use recreational sex to keep harmony in the group.  They are the  original 'flower children'/hippies.
