Large Scale Central

The DÜRR 🦂 (A Trilogy in 5 Parts) PART 3



As noted recently in PART 2 of The DÜRR, we have 10 feet separating the planter boxes, and are currently experiencing technical difficulties.

Do we go fast and sloppy, build a temporary structure, or pick up some new skills and techniques…?

Stay tuned…


CONTINUES… maybe In a few weeks…

australien weeks…
so we can expect him to go on this evening, or sunday morning coming down.


Still waiting for the Kormen Kanal Kompany to finish surveying the route and the DÜRR board of directors is hung up on installing maintenance free bridge work as they are haunted by the Jennings Nemesis effect. But work continues in other areas and these bridges caught our eye.



Meanwhile in China:

And elsewhere:

But wait…

in an uncommonly serious moment i received a message from my brain:
take a look at “cable-trays” for industrial projects.
those are metal-profiles of astonishing lengths and should be broad and tough enough for largescale trains.



An then there is the shoe for a metal studded wall

I looked up metal stud shoe. How does that work for bridging?

I’ve been thinking about cable trays too, Have you had success outside?

Usually looks like a c channel and galvanized if you want something temporary for a bridge it is a good visual

referring to cable trays neither out- nor inside.
that was a pure theoretical thought to overcome your aversion to build a bridge.

referring to model railroads in general outside definitely no success.
i got scorched by the sun.
the elefant-proof track did not resist hooves from cattle or horses.
with every rain all buildings and track sunk about half an inch into the clay-ground.
rottweilers chasing trains didn’t help either.
but i had more space than track.

since then i prefer inside.
no wasps nor bees in my buildings.
no birds or rodents stealing figures.
cats to brush out the spiderwebs from tunnels.
started projects patiently wait for years on the same spot to be finished.
“lost” tools re-appear after years.
bug-free coffee…


Learned the hard way (indoors) with S gauge to always check the tunnel before highballing a train into it!

Best, David Meashey

“the elefant-proof track did not resist hooves from cattle or horses.”

Doesn’t fare too well with the rather large population of North American white-tailed deer either.


I’d be happy to help you design a bridge. If you want a steel one like above I’m pretty sure we could design one with minimal welding. Just find someone who can laser the parts and bolt it together.

There might even be someone in the Australian Garden Club who could help with all that.


That’s a quotable quote right there. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Ya’ just need 8’ of aluminum (square not round) downspout and a hacksaw.

Thanks all. I have a friend who has volunteered his welding skills. I just have to find a MasterClass, so we don’t re-invent the wheel.

Additionally I have ordered a bandsaw so I can play well with others and start building nemeses.

Thanks Michael.

So many options, so little time.

After seeing the poly resin and steel tube approach. I’m keen to give that a go, once I know what sort of spans I can get away with. I like the idea of laser parts though.

In the mean time, I’ve invested in a band saw to give trestle making a go, then will jump into something more complicated.

Why a band saw ?
You could just get a cheep table saw , some thing off this idea , every tool manufacture makes one

i agree with you, but he has already invested into a band saw.

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Sean, it was a hard decision to make.

I have a mini table Saw from Model Machines. It’s just a bit too small to make significantly large cuts. It is quite a precise piece of equipment. The fellow that made it was a laser specialist.

I promised my self that when I get a table saw, it will have to be able to cut large sheets of plywood, and need to have an impedance monitor on the blade.

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Find a master class on what ?

Bridge building ??