Large Scale Central

The Devil in the details

So I received a few months ago from Dan P. a 6ft metal bridge, I wanted to spiffy it up a bit so I added some riveted gusset plates I made from Styrene and used a aw to make the rivets after cutting the shapes I wanted. Then used some J B Weld to glue them on. After I prime it I will paint it and add the Garden Metal Model Ties to it and it should look great. Nick

looks good… :slight_smile:

Nice work.

Nicky, are you gettin’ old? you are actually modelling!!

well done, that gives the bridge the certain something.

Nice Nick…I have been meaning to ghetto up mine like that for years I think it will really enhance the look!

Thanks Guys, its coming along good, Kormy I’ve got skills just never have the time to use them…:slight_smile: work work work… Here heres the bridge in primer. Nick


David Russell said:
Nice Nick......I have been meaning to ghetto up mine like that for years I think it will really enhance the look!
Yup, he's pimping it up good. ;) I guess that expression is SO last week now, is it?:(

It’s looking good Nick!

Thanks Chuck, Jon,. Working on the fitting the catwalks today to the bridge then we will be ready for paint and lite weathering.


Nicholas Savatgy said:
I've got skills just never have the time to use them.......:) work work work........
well, i always forget, that you are a youngster still. but don't get any funny ideas and believe, that you'll have more time after retirement. - that is just an urban legend.

I know Kormy, we all work till we are dead, I planned on it but can still have fun while doing it. :slight_smile:


A little more work done today, Put the ties together then painted and weathered them. Nick


Is it done yet!!!

looking good!!! I alway love seening my bridges installed and how different people detail them out!

All most there Chuck almost there. Dan yup Details are what makes the model. :slight_smile:


A question for all you modeling folk, I want to add guard rails to the bridge track, I have about 2000 ft of train Li plastic track that I wish to use some of for this project. I was going to glue it but that wont hold very long, Then I thought I would pin the plastic rail to the ties but the expansion and contraction will most likely crack the plastic track. Any suggestions ?



I’d be interested to know how the plastic works out… Seems to me, if you are worried about expansion and contraction, the rail would need to be installed so they would ba able to slide some… I’ve heard of just using track nails, thru a pre-drilled hole… Use the track nails that will rust, as they hold better once the “'rusting”" starts…

nick, if you take out every fourth sleeper, and replace it with a sleeper, that is cut to fit the guardrails? more or less like in the pic below, just cutting and glueing the sleepers for the guardrails to the needed width.


OR… How about using joiners, securing them to the ties with glue or a fastener, then slide the gaurd rails through the joiners and just let it float in place?

In place and functional, Just need to add the guard rails soon. Other wise it came out great and people paid me a lot of compliments on it at this weekends show… Nick
