Large Scale Central

Thanks per post ratio

The opening page on the forum, at the bottom, has a list of the top 10 posters… I looked at it with mild interest, but being a relative newcomer, did not expect to see myself there.

Only recently did I notice the list had a drop down for the top 10 thanked… and I noticed there was overlap in the two lists.

Tonight, I had a hair-brained idea… what is the relationship of “thanks” to “number of posts”

Being lazy efficient, I grabbed the top 10 posters, and the top 10 “thanked”, and then did the advanced search so I had the number of posts and number of thanks for each.

So, below, in sort of a goofy order, here they are, so the higher the ratio, the more often a person’s post results in thanks. Some interesting stuff.

I’m not going to make any comments except but everyone loves what Boomer posts!

(remember I started with the top 10 of each list, I did not single these people out)


.065 479/7329 bob mccowan
.044 395/8986 dave maynard
.032 378/11667 rooster
.046 290/6299 greg e
.044 289/6503 bruce chandler
.024 243/9948 ken brunt
.019 235/12388 john radder
.033 208/6216 devon
.058 195/3355 joe zullo
.432 188/435 boomer
.015 178/12057 steve featherkile
.003 32/10644 hj mueller
.012 108/8469 ric golding
.001 11/7838 mista b (ralph berg)
.008 57/7184 vic smith

You must have had smoke coming out of your calculator Greg or did you use C++ to do that? (

Somebody has too much free time on their hands…(

Ken Brunt said:

Somebody has too much free time on their hands…(

I just now thanked you, Ken!

Boomer is an over achiever.

Well nice going Greg. While everyone was concentrating on “most posts” I was going to run the table on “most thanked”.

Now you have exposed my evil plan and it will never come to fruition!!!


Actually Boomer, you are at the top of the list in my book, merely accumulating a lot of posts does clearly does not indicate you are helping others or appreciated. Scaling the thanks with the number of posts made sense to me.

And clearly neither you (nor I) have enough posts to even challenge the “top dogs”.

But if someone was looking for a “measure” of post “quality” you are about 10 times the others at the top (excluding Bob M) at 0.04 where you are getting thanked almost every other post, 0.4

I just thought it was interesting. Sorry about spoiling your evil plan! ha ha!


There is a quality to quantity. (

Oh well evil plans come and go. I am not worried. I have Topaz as my Conciliary so I am sure I will have another evil plan in motion by tomorrow morning. (

Greg …by my calculations you’re ,your, ewe’er math is correct. However I come from old school of Calcluelass. Variables factors come into play that have been over looked with these equations.

This post has been edited by : ROOSTER

Boomer K. MOGWAI said:


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Try a ratio of “Thanks” and who GIVE “Thanks” for the next time burning project

Also remember when the new format of “GIVING THANKS” became issued. Many posts or pictures were added when LSC was a pimple on a skeeters ass. Now it apparently rules like it always has!


I was interested in the realtionship between the 2 sets of numbers that the site provides. To me, it was an indication of how one’s posts help others.

Giving thanks is interesting, some people are lavish with their praise, and they control that number, just like how they post.

I’d be interested in the “pissed off ratio”, where people go out and just knock down people’s reputations for fun. Anonymous “down voting” is interesting… since people can go all over to your old posts and bang on your reputation.

Anyway, it was not a lot of effort to get these numbers, I don’t have all that free time to play more, I want to read about trains and learn stuff, and help others… and apparently my “numbers” reflect that.


I typically only give thanks to posts that do absolutely nothing to enhance the discussion or are done solely to increase the posters post count. Perhaps we need a category for posts of this type that would make a point without affecting the posters reputation.

We already have that Gary, it’s called “rooster” (

Your premise is faulty, Gregg. The vast majority of Jon’s and my posts occurred before the thank you system came into play. You might want to re run your numbers.

yeah, point well taken, unfortunately, only Bob has access to the numbers that way, if the post count displayed on a post was static, i.e. reflected the date, then I could go back and see what people’s post counts were “before” and subtract that value.

Oh well, we work with what we got. Any idea when the “thanks” system went into place, just out of curiosity… although you still cannot invalidate the clear leader, Boomer.
