As we approach the annual Christmas Holiday season; I’d like to say a special THANK YOU to young Bob McCown.
All year, every month, and every day, you supply us with a great opportunity to communicate with a wonderful group of people.
Through the Chat Room, on the Forums, and on the many other facilities of LSC, we get to meet others who are enjoying this fine hobby, and share with them, news, information, ideas and conversations; yes…and arguments…along with moments of sadness when we see one of our friends pass away.
Most times; even in the midst of a diagreement, we see great humour drift through the heat of the moment, bringing a chuckle to even the most thick skinned of us. We also celebrate the dreams of others and their accomplishments.
Thank you Bob, for showing a great tolerance for our verbal mistakes, and our sometimes childish fuss over many questionable “Nothings”.
This Web page sets the standard for FREEDOM OF THOUGHT, AND SPEECH, thanks to your fine style of moderation.
I’m sure that all members of this LSC FAMILY will join me in wishing you a great Holiday Season; a pleasing Year’s End; and the hope for another GREAT NEW YEAR to come …
…Good Health, and Happines to you Bob…and your family;
Thank you for being our friend.