Large Scale Central

Taylors Mik 2017 build

A great use for straws. I will have to mentally file that idea.

Got the roof put on… Really easy working with Taylor Tin…

And cut , folded, and goobered down the ridge flashing.

Got the cap on the smoke stack. Not sure if I want to leave it raw, like sheet metal, or paint it up. ( your thoughts )

Next I really wanted a traditional hanging light over the front. I really want this to have a LED in it and work, so I sat on the pondering throne and decided to just jump in and make one. I wanted it to be able to be resin cast, cause I sure could use a number of these on other buildings.

Started to draw something up, and said hell, I can just cut it out. Go For It!

Chucked up a piece of 1.125 6011 bar stock, and started cutting.

Hour and a half latter I got me a master, has a .250 center hole to fit an LED holder.

Used a pencil eraser for mounting the 3/32 brass tubing in the top ( friction fit)

The black ring inside is the LED Holder. I’m now waiting on some magnet wire that will fit thru the tube to wire it up.

And got it temp mounted thru the wall.

Close to done. Tomorrow I work on the weather vane, and the signage to Finnish it up.

Very classy Dave. I am thinking about the same thing. I was going to turn mine in acrylic or and then make a mold.

Put me down for two dozen of those light fixtures Dave. No kidding. You are very talented

By the way there is a huge red sandstone church here in Denver of 19th that looks exactly as if it were made from your cast stones. I’ll take a picture and put it up here for everyone to see. It’s uncanny really.

Thats a cool Light fixture!!..

Well I’m waiting on some sunshine to get some finished photos. We’ve had nothing but rain and snow for the past two days.

I got the finishing touches on and then it rains… But being a New Mexican, we never slight the rain when we actually get some.

The Logo proudly displayed on the new “Jacob Junction” switch tower.

And the required signage.

Tomorrow it’s suppose to shine, and I’ll get some real outside shots…

Nice Dave

Super details. I’d paint the chimney cap. The signs are great and your grandson will get a kick out of his name being immortalized.

The tin roof looks great by the way.

The photos you posted of your tower outdoors in the finished thread really shows the details of the stone work.

I think that your build is able to be voted on, I see no reason for it to be display only! My humble opinion.

Pete Lassen said:

I think that your build is able to be voted on, I see no reason for it to be display only! My humble opinion.

I agree. Let’s write him in. If he wins a prize he can award himself some doors, tin, windows, and stone!