Large Scale Central

Taylors Mik 2017 build

Oh how quickly they forget, the standing seam copper roof I put on the critter a couple of years ago is what made it stand out.

I’ve got it in galvanized too, but it goes back to industrial looking.

Happy to help, paint it patina green and you’re good to go.


Got the roof Cut and installed.

Along with the facias. Two coats of my waterproofing Titebond III. Primed and two coats of paint.

Test fitted the Taylor ( Guaranteed Never to Rust ) Tin. Should have a finished roof by the end of today.

Got up early to get a start on the Tower, and was greeted by a Spectacular New Mexico Sunrise. Enjoy.

BTW: iPhone photo, No Photoshop. Worth getting out of bed for…

The Taylor Tower has risen! Get job. Always learning from watching what you do. And I’d get out of bed for that sunrise. Just wonderful(

Nice sky shot…will this be the backdrop for your final pictures of your build? Would be very dramatic!

Beautiful sky. That tower has all the markings of a winner Dave(

Well the weekend is over and I still don’t have the roof on yet. With a week to go I decided that for once in all these builds, that I would have some time to pull a Dunakin, and get some details added. Putting the Tin up would just get in the way of handling and working, so I have made a list of some details to do, and when done, Then the roof.

I asked WWRD ( What Would Ray Do )? All the Tower photos that I studied all showed the Switch Levers in the room, SO I needed a set, so that if someone actually looked in the windows, There would be levers. Started to cut some wood. I don’t need no stinking plans, just wing it!

The base, levers and dividers.

Lay them all out, space, Glue. Easy Breezy.

See I knew that it would work.

Add some handles, carve down to look liked machined parts.

Add paint to make them look pretty. Actually the zones in the yard were color coded to help keep thing confused.

A building needs heat, heat requires a furnace, furnace requires smoke stack. So made me up one, Two story none the less.

The bottom floor.

The top floor.

And the whole thing on the back side.

Gotta Have power too. It comes in at the weather head.

Goes thru the meter and into the main switch.

And the whole elect connection, top to bottom.

Thats all folks… Still have to make a base, as for more details, Rain gutters and down spouts. Signage. Lights. ( I hoping that Todd shows how he uses solar to light things up). Front steps, and maybe a hanging light over the door.

Great Dave.

Nice detail work.

Wow Dave. The details just make the tower come to life.

Wow! Love the switch levers and the electrics!

Very Nice Dave. I like the details!..

Well unseen progress and a lot of frustration… So for Monday and Tuesday’s work, all I’ve got to show for it is… I cut a PVC base for it to sit on… Waaaahhh Whoooo.

Frustration… Rain gutters…w/downspouts. Simple enough, take a plastic straw, cut in half length wise, easy breezy rain gutters. It actually gives you a couple of respectable gutters… Physics man. a tube is rigid as long as it’s a tube. As soon as you cut the straw, it loses ALL rigidness. Wont hold itself up, twists really easy. Well OK, just a stronger straw, Our Wendy’s straws are stronger, or so I thought, not after you cut them. I have now tried 5 different straws, and all suffer the same fate. Spent an hour wandering our local Hobby Lobby to no avail, You would think it not to hard to find a length of 1/4 acrylic tube… Also not at our Ace Hardware.

If you promise not to tell the wife, but I found her insulated plastic tumbler, and low and behold, there sets a hard plastic straw. I’m trying to come up with a cover story as to where her straw went. I think I can get it cut and painted before she recognizes it. Tomorrow morning it will go missing. Wish me luck…

Dave Taylor said:

…I’m trying to come up with a cover story as to where her straw went. I think I can get it cut and painted before she recognizes it. Tomorrow morning it will go missing. Wish me luck…

Dave’s next post will be from…(

Plastruct styrene? Or k&s brass?..I guess both would take some doing to cut.

Your tower is really coming together Dave. The added details like the electricity is really good, but now you might have to model telephone poles all the way back to a power plant or at least a substation!

“Lights. ( I hoping that Todd shows how he uses solar to light things up)” I wasn’t going to get fancy here. I’m still planning on buying a cheap light, taking it apart and placing the panel on the back roof and the electronics and bulb inside. Now there you go, the wires on the side of your building can go to a nearby solar station.

That is a good idea to use a straw for the gutters but don’t risk upsetting your wife. I found a small diameter plastic pipe at Home Depot in the plumbing section, sold in 3’ lengths. The outside diameter is 1/2" I have used it for other things but on my Mik’s project I cut 2 pieces about 3/8 to serve as chimney liner popping out the top of my pubs chimney. I’m sure you can slice a bit off one of these pipes to serve as gutters and use a thin dowel cut at angles and glued for the downspouts.

Wellllll… I got caught… Oh well… But I got gutters!!!

Slicing was way harder thin I thought it would be… Sawing a straw exactly down the middle on the line is way harder then you might think.

Glued them up and held in place with masking tape until they dried.

Two coats of silver paint, on both the gutters and smaller “Flex” straws for the downspouts.

And the other side.

And over all shots.

Working on a over door light, and a weather vane, And oh ya, the roof.

5 Days to go…

EDIT: Oh yah, the signage…too.

Damn Dave those gutter look like the real deal.

Pretty cool Dave!

Cutting fine lines … over the years I found it easier to draw 2 lines and cut between them. Instant avoidance of cutting the wrong side.

Uh boss? No ends on your gutters? tsk tsk… oh ok I won’t mention it. (

Looking great!


The gutter and down spout look just right! perfect!