Large Scale Central

Tampa ? Convention Info?

Today is march 11th, 2014, Isn’t the convention coming up in May?
I would of thought we would see some thing by now.
I might be in the area and I need to do some planning. :slight_smile:

For those that think otherwise, Tampa is not as near miserable in the summertime as you would think. The sea breeze keeps it from being unbearable. Surveyed and purchased a boat there in August in 1998. Was near as hot as St. Louis at the same time.

Do you need to register to see the layouts? My schedule is so nuts I wont know till the last minute if I can go.


Louis Sommers said:

Do you need to register to see the layouts? My schedule is so nuts I wont know till the last minute if I can go.


Probably, since with registering, you get a convention packet with a tour guide booklet to what layouts are open on what days and maps to get to them, unless you know someone else that going.

Thanks. I guess I can wait till the last minute.

I’m with you Louis.
I’ll have to see what I can do when i’m there!

So is anyone going?
Do you have to register to go to the Dealer hall?
I wonder how much to get in to Hall?

As I understand it, the hall is open to the public Friday after 7 or all day Saturday, so one does not have to register or pay the $85 convention fee. “As I understand it”
Or pay the $85 and go any time all week with your badge.

How can you attract new blood if you shun then untill 7pm.
I would go to help support venders.but not @ $85
On the shedule it says hall open Wed. but you look lower it says Friday?

I guess I will not be going!

Hi Sean and Anyone else coming to FL for the upcoming convention next week. The dealer hall will be open Friday night and Sat. am to the public for $5.00.

I hope some of you will be attending, it should be great fun, as we have not had a “national”
one here for a long time (or maybe never?)… If you do, look for ME… I’ll be helping at Registration on Sunday and Monday, and then hosting some of the layout tours on Thursday and Friday by bus… I’m realitively new on this site, and I apologize for not being very active as of late, but I just wear too many “hats”. However, many of the former LSOL members should recognize me at least by name…
Looking forward to seeing you… Elaine Haggenbottom

Sean McGillicuddy said:

So is anyone going?

I’ll be there for most of the show… Heading back home Saturday on a 4:30 flight from Orlando.

Catch me at the Hartland booth…

I’m staying over( 2nd thru the 10th) in Orlando and I thought I would go over to Tampa.

Wednesday I was planning to drag brother in law but I don’t have time Friday night.

What if you let us LSC members into the dealer hall, more people to sell to?

Stan I would love to come visit but maybe next time.

Spending $85 to just drive 2hrs to see what’s there is lame!

Five dollars is good but …

Have fun!

Sorry Sean,

IF you are serious, you could address your question to Mike Setzer (not sure IF he is a member here, but may be? I do not have the authority to accept your request… Elaine

[email protected]

Sent him an e-mail , we’ll see.
Thanks Elaine

Sean, Here’s your reply from Mike, the e-mail you gave wouldn’t go thru-Elaine

The convention looks good. Thanks, a lot of people have put a lot of work into this convention.

Glad to hear that the steam up is selling well. ???

However…I will be in Fl. From the 3rd thru the 10 and originally planned to drag the brother in-law to Tampa ( we’re in Orlando)

I originally thought to visit the dealers hall on Wednesday ,but now hall is not available to public ( people not part of convention) Yes that is correct. I will close the dealer hall to the public before I open it up to the public early. The dealer hall is part of the convention and in order to help promote model railroading I have opened it to the public at the end of the convention.

So as an active member of Large Scale Central and other parts of the hobby, why can’t we enter as appose to (families ,people, that have little interest?) I am sorry but nobody has ever given me free admission to their shows. I know first hand how much work, time and money it cost to put on a convention and wouldn’t.

I do know some venders that will be there But ……to pay $85 for me and then my brother in –law and drive there to maybe purchase something not smart. I am sorry you feel that way, some of the attendee have saved all year to attend and it wouldn’t be fair to them if I let you in for $5.00.

What if you show some type of forum badge @ door and pay your $5 to go in ?? The only badges that will get anybody in will be the badges that come with your registration. Friday starting at 7:00pm or Saturday 9:00 - 2:30 that is the best I can do, that is when the hall open to the public.

I look forward to hearing from you.

You can respond to this e-mail @ [email protected]

The one you see from is work and I will be in FKL and can’t check!

PS . thank Elaine for being persistent!
Thanks Elaine for your help

Thanks again Elaine.
I am sorry that you worked so hard on this.
I will not be going, :frowning:
I have no interest in seeing layouts etc. However I did want to see the Dealers hall.
Boy would that be maddening if I lived near by and I had to pay $85 to visit hall during the day, as opposed to the weekend!
I hope every one has a great time,It’s 80 on Monday in Orlando, and no rain in store for the week.
I will live thru others photo’s!

You guys should be happy their having a $5 public day at all, and for 2 days to boot.

At the National Narrow Gauge Convention, there was no such thing. Only paying registered attendees were able to access the vendors hall, there was even some push early on to make those of us bringing layouts to display to pay full kit for the privilege to be there! and that was over $100 for all 4 days! Needless to say if that happened I don’t think there would have been ANY layouts on display.

…and in another thread there is discussion on why the hobby is shrinking. It’s not bad enough that the general costs have skyrocketed due to PRC pricing.

I live in Florida. Due to an unexpected training at work I will not be able to arrive until late Thursday or Friday morning. So I am gong to pay something on the order of $250 for diesel fuel to get there and home, $100 per night for a hotel, another $100 for food and drinks … and $85 for a few hours in the vendor hall? Or I can wait and pay $5 for the leftovers? I think not. I will save the $450 plus the $85, stay home and put that towards my next mail order purchase, probably from one of the same vendors I was locked out of at the vendor hall.

What this demonstrates to me is there is getting to be a much larger division between the haves and have nots in large scale, perpetuated and promoted by pricing in this manner. Trust me when I say, “I don’t NEED conventions”. I will miss the comradery of fellow modelers, but not the pricing.

Vic, $100 for 4 days equates to $25 dollars a day. Personally I think all these convention organizers are getting a real swelled head, and maybe a few need to fall on their face and provide a wake up call.

Off my soap box now.

Bob C.


Thanks for adding your comments to this forum… I believe the $5.00 entrance fee for the public is MORE than fair… I don’t believe there will be “left-overs”, as everything has a person who needs it, and IF you are to be that person, it will be still there waiting for you…

I KNOW I’m too close to this convention (and probably less experienced as I’ve never attended a National one before), but IF you want to blame someone for the price of gas, it should NOT be put on the convention chairman, but someone else in a higher capacity… $85.00 is a very fair price to attend all of the items going on this week. 3 days of Disney behind the scenes, an 0-6-0 Orange Blossom steam train ride, 3 days of “open house layouts”, plus the dealer hall, a building contest, 2 socials, and a myriad of free seminars, and finally a banquet, along with the 2 days of “public dealings”… Yes, the hotel is expensive, but I’m sure motels in the area will be less, this one is so exquisite, you will think you are at Disney, and have you priced them lately? Vacations are no longer for the poor people… But, as Mike has mentioned, people save up for this convention IF you are willing to participate, and people do come from all over the world… I saw Netherlands, Australia, etc on registration day… The hobby itself is pricing us out of it, not one convention cost. And young people today can hardly afford this hobby with all of the necessary items they require. So, I believe you are putting the blame on all of the wrong people… As I said before" welcome to anyone coming here for this gathering and wonderful event… I for one am HAPPY to have had the opportunity to VOLUNTEER and meet some of the many friends only acquainted thru the internet… Happy Training Everyone… Elaine.