Large Scale Central

Tampa ? Convention Info?


I think you misinterpreted my comment. I am not blaming the convention for the price of fuel, or the hotel, or food or other costs outside the control of the convention organizers. However, when all these items are added together plus the entry fee, for maybe a day and a half of convention activity (I must leave early Sunday to return to work), missing the majority of the events mentioned, it is not bargain. Not to mention, my convention badge does not grant me entry to most of the outside events, those are additional.

As far as Disney goes, been there, done that, won’t comment on experience. Orange Blossom is on my bucket list, but not real high. I think I will wait and see how the alleged expansion of trackage/trakcage rights play out.

Quote “The hobby itself is pricing us out of it, not one convention cost.” So your answer is to throw fuel on the fire.

Bob C.

Screw it!

I spent the day riding Florida’s new Sun Rail.

Front of Train

Free is good but boy do’es everyone come out!


Should be intersting how they hold up!

No convention , will do for the fix!


My opinion about conventions after attending the 08 convention in Phoenix and the Chicago one several years ago is that the only thing worth while are the layout tours. I couldn’t find anyone to socialize with, the exhibit hall was not like York, the vendors really were not interested in selling me anything, and the banquets were awful, but the tours were really great and worth the price of admission. In Chicago I was pretty new to the hobby and didn’t know anyone, and Phoenix I just did the tours.

Hope some one posts pix.

Sean did you see this

SunRail delayed after train hits landscape trailer in Longwood

was about 5:30 today


Dam took a train ride on the wrong day!

No, didn’t see it from pool side in Orlando!:wink:

90’s today I hope they give the cattle ( Conventioneers ) plenty of water on those tours!

Well Sean, glad you were able to find one “freebee” in FL… The convention is over, and I believe it was for the most part, very successful. We had some “bumps in the road” to quote the chairman, and I totally agree, but overall it was a good one. These conventions are NOT for the money challenged group of people (for which I must admit I am one), but for those who can afford it, it is really first class… My husband and I were the “hosts” on all of the bus tours for 3 days, and although we spent more time on the road then we anticipated, the layouts did NOT disappoint and some were worth any amount of money to see in person. Sean, yes it was HOT, but as Ric mentioned above, we have a wonderful sea breeze on our side of the state, and all of the open homes were very generous in their offerings to all attendees… They appreciated our going to see their empires… After all, what’s the point IF no one does? So closes another chapter on my “bucket list”… Next comes another Auto Train trip, which we have only done once before. PA here we come… Elaine

Yes we had some great weather, but back to work . :frowning:

Yep I had a good time and enjoyed the RRs I got to visit. Only complaint is they where so spread out. I drove on my own to visit the layouts as I heard it was two long days riding the buses. I did take a bunch of pics. Venders hall was good alos.

Well it will be Atlanta turn in 2018. Lots of RR to see and not so spread out. Later RJD

I’m with R.J. on this. I too had a good time and enjoyed all the RRs and the hospitality that went with them!! Yes, the layouts were spread out but that can’t be blamed on anyone or anything; it just the way it is. The vendors hall wasn’t York but not many vendor shows can compete with York either. I did buy a couple of things. Knowing what I know now, I’d do it all over again!

Glad to hear some positive feedback, Thanks Joe… They were pretty stretched out, but the bus took all of the drudgery out of the trip, and on two occasions we stopped for lunch and a pit stop. I found some goodies at the dealer hall as well. And one seminar was spectacular, as I had only conversed with Dennis Rayon over the net, so it was great to see his work and his persona up close and personal… Magic Sculpt is very impressive… Unfortunately I would have liked to have seen more, but the bus routes kept interfering… Elaine