All Blackened wheels and axles; (All new and unused) Sierra Valley Enterprises
Type 4 1.290" dia. (1/24th = 30") (22.5 = 28") 20.3 = 26")
Have 144 wheelset already assembled (wheels on axles) and 50 more unassembled.
Type 3 1.192" dia. (24th = 28") (22.5 = 26") (20.3 = 24")
Have 64 wheelsets, unassembled.
Will assemble all wheelsets if requested.
I paid a little over $3.00 per axle for these and I am trying to recover my investment, but am open to offers (they list out at $4.25 per wheel set).
6822 W. Villa St.
Phoenix, AZ 85043