Large Scale Central

Sutro Pneumo Loco

Arizona Railway Museum has a pneumatic locomotive , took these 2 pictures about 4 months apart. If anyone wants any actual dimensions, I’m willing to wander across town to measure anything ya need.

beware! they’ll ask you to count the rivets.

They should be able to do that , count this side then double it, or just make sure it only is viewed from this side! :joy:

Since the drawing didn’t have rivets I had to guess, based on each joint. I can count them though, if someone wants…

Of course we want you to count them :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:. You can just tell us how many groups of 10 there are or groups of 20 if you want to go to the trouble of taking you shoes off :face_with_monocle:

Dan, I will have you know I will have my wife with me so we can count up to 48 !


Always great to hear from you!

I opened the model to see if there was an easy count, and, no, there isn’t. I’d hoped to give you a smart-a$$ result, but no, I’d have to actually count. If you feel like it (and I don’t), please count these, and multiply by 2.

Oh… the boiler end rivets should probably be doubled, I’m only just realizing that.

My brain hurts too much… but if you’re up for it, have at it!!


48… ow…

Let me see if I can make that math work, Pete …

10 fingers + 10 toes + 2 arms + 2 legs = 24
24 fingers, toes, arms & legs x 2 folks = 48 fingers, toes, arms & legs

I can believe that :grin:

I happen to know Pete has six toes on his left foot. So you will need to recalculate

Ok, I get that. Thanks for splaining Dan

Well that’s not fair.
And hey, that would result in an odd number.

I’m not even going to ask how you know that, Devon. You can keep that little secret all to yourself … until @Rooster sees it and then your on your own :grin: But I won’t tell him, if you don’t :laughing:

Me and pete met up last year for the drag races. . Things got weird and I saw his feet. It was strangely weird and exciting at the same time. . . Lol

Rooster, you owe me, help me out here.

Too much candy for a nickel :grimacing:

Well Dan , if those “parts “ work for the total , who am I to argue with you.
As for my size 14’s, at the races they do a track walk before final eliminations we’re we get to feel the stickiness of the race track. It is literally so sticky you can walk out of your shoes, then if you take another step you will lose you sock! Well didn’t do either one , so don’t know why Mr Sinsley is fabricating things before that challenge thing starts

:rofl: well there is a reasonable amount of truth in Pete’s response

…and it took 45 replies to confirm that Cliff would regret the title of the post both sooner and later…

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I’ve always wondered what would happen it one of those tanks had a sudden hard leak. I had a friend in college who had a mishap with a scuba tank and the regulator got broken off. He said he rode it for about half a block before it lost enough pressure to stop. I’m thinking a compressed air locomotive running amuck might break the Mallard’s speed record, supposing it could stay on the rails. I suppose it’s best not to make a try!

Best, David Meashey