Large Scale Central

Sprucing Up for the American Invasion of Ottawa

Nothing like a deadline for an open house to ensure a railway is in tip top shape. The line to Lily and the spurs for the Fallen Tree Mine have been installed. That completes the replacement of the track lifted because of the fallen spruce tree.

A new building Golding Grains has been added to the Yard at Rat Portage.

This granary will provide Brunt’s Milling and Malting in Craig Leigh with the raw materials needed to distill fine Canadian whiskey.

The finished product is then shipped to the new Brunt’s Warehouse and Distribution Center in Bell.

The Dispatcher’s Office has been given a new coat of paint.

As has the freight sheds in Ironwood and Spruce. All that is left to do now is install the freshly painted, colour coded name signs for the points along the line.

Railroads looking good… :slight_smile: Sure wish We could have been there… :frowning:

Wow. Very sharp and some nice additions. Hope to see it all next year!

Bout time ya painted that dispatchers shed…really lookin forward to this years Invasion…one more day and a wake-up…:wink:

Great work gentlemen.:slight_smile:

Very nice!

Andy Clarke said:
Railroads looking good.... :) Sure wish We could have been there.... :(
I heard you and Jane were not going to be able to make it. That’s too bad! Not only is running trains at Doug’s and Fred’s a lot of fun, Ottawa is a pleasant city to visit and has lots to see. You will be missed.

Perhaps next year.

Thanks for posting the update.
A lot of nice work done to get ready for us.
Lots of expansion from 2 years ago!

I expect to be there Friday.

I am SURE I will need a map to acquaint me with everything.

I might bring my Revolution to see if it works-still in factory packing.
Using my old TEs are no longer much fun because of the intro to your revolution 2 years ago!

Blast , I can’t make it up again this year. Next year hopefully. The layout looks great!!! Have fun guys & gals and please be sure to post pics of the event.

You guys have done some great work! Really looking good.

Looks great! I hope to get there in person again some day. Have a great Invasion.

The IPP&WRR is truly in the best shape it has been in the 8 years we have been traveling north. A whole lot of thank yous need to be expressed to the crews and VPs for all the work and the willingness to compromise. What a great railroad. Every time I run it, I see the evolution it has taken to get to the level of operations that exist there.