Thanks for the feedback. I was going to go next year, but now I think I will skip it.
Is it close enough to make a side trip to Charles Ro?
Thanks for the feedback. I was going to go next year, but now I think I will skip it.
Is it close enough to make a side trip to Charles Ro?
It was nice to meet the gang that braved the snow and cold.To bad we didn’t get a photo.
The show still is a place to meet up with friends.
Jon it’s SEAN , But I won’t hold it against you.
Sorry Sean - I knew that; just a typo. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. Good to finally meet you face-to-face. Maybe this year we’ll be on the same schedule for Bob’s session.
Yea, I decided to hang back at the last minute because of the snow. This show is always so crowded you cant hardly move and is not fun if you dont enjoy lots of people and I’m talking lots.
Best deals are on Friday when all the layout boys are there setting up they seem to get the pick of the lot which is another reason I dont attend every year. Still some good deals to be had but no
were near what was on setup day.
This is one of the Northeasts biggest Train events and attendance is always great.
I did manage to pick up my Southbend Lathe from Eric Shade. Started cleaning it up, oiling the parts and making a list of stuff I need.
It was nice to meet some of you guys from the forum.
The show is always well attended. The G scale is touch and go. That was my 7th trip and well worth going. I only found a few little treasures this year though. Vincent beat me to them and bought the last of the Bachmann metal wheels at $10 a card.
Did anyone get a photo of that 5’ long 16 truck monster heavy duty flat car that was going aorund on the Great Falls Model RR large scale setup in the Mallary building. I flat out forgot to take one.
Lou the show is always a good take but it is crowded. USAT is in Malden Ma. which is 1 hour+ or so East on the Mass Pike to get to it. They did have a large booth at the show.
Decided to pass again this year- Spent the money online instead- With the youngest in college in the UK, will most likely have to pass on York too- then again the Delmar Peninsular isn’t that far from York, might have to rethink that…
Phil, even if you don’t spend (which is unlikely) the socializing is great. You can do as much or as little as you want. Then there’s the Drag & Brag which is free, just bring a beverage.
So Shawn, what are you going to make me first?
The ride up was fine, hit snow on the way home.
About the show: Crowded, but I’m a people person so I go with it. had some good deals but I resisted. It was a case of want vs. need. And, as usual, Mr Ro was his jovial self. lmao.
It was great seeing people again and meeting new ones. Sorry I missed Shawn V but I hope to see him in Scranton and York.
BTW, Sean, you’re better looking in person than your picture would indicate.
Fifty three days till York !!!
I should also mention what an honor it is to run into the one and only Mr Larry “Speedo” Otis.
Sorry I was unable to get away from my table for the 2o’clock meeting, but had no one to watch for me @the time. At the end of the day today I noticed that USA Trains had sold most of the diesel locomotives they had on display. Many of the other 1/29 items around various locations at the show had sold as well. many dealers that I spoke with seemed to be happy with sales over the w/e as well. Clem even sold one of his live steamers.
Al P.
Shawn: JEALOUS! That’s exactly what I’m looking for. I’ll give you $3 for it!
I got to the show right about 9 (was behind Jon Radder going into the parking lot, but soon lost him). I met Jon and Al Pomeroy, and ran into Stan Ames, but he was on the phone and disappeared in to the crowd. Not as crowded as past years, and the usual selection of stuff. A few LS things I managed to not buy, though the $20 Bachmann hoppers with metal wheels were very tempting. I bought some cinder block sheets, a set of weathering powders, and a few tools. Micro Fasteners was there, I didnt need to know that, and I dropped a good bit of coin with them. I finally took off about noon.
Ya boss, we was looking for ya @ 2pm???
Todd Haskins said:
I only found a few little treasures this year though. Vincent beat me to them and bought the last of the Bachmann metal wheels at $10 a card.
I was finally the person that scored a deal!!
OHH I did score a LGB black disconnect logging set for $55
Now I know why it was $55, I’m missing a wheel journal
The Mohegan & Pequot/CCTGG G scale layout was at the show as a G scale layout from Maine. The two G gauge layouts were numbers 1 and 2 in the show. Saw a lot of my friends from NY, NJ, PA, VT, NH, MA including Cape Cod, CT and RI. For people who don’t think there is much G scale there would be mistaken especially this year. Trainz brought a truck full of G gauge and other scales. They could bring the G gauge out of the truck quick enough and they were sorry they didn’t bring more. Jamie’s Collectibles was selling mainly LGB and sold a lot of there sound engines. There were other vendors with G that sold as well. I went to one that had an LGB car with two volkswagen’s on it kind of hidden away and that was gone. MNP which makes Track Cleaning cars had a great show. I purchased some 1:20.3 items from Don Sweet and Warrior Run Lococmotive works. I know the Pennsy fan must be sick. I did take some pictures of the Bachmann Toby and I kind of liked it. There was the get together of LSC people at the M&P Gscale layout. It was a fun and GREAT show.
Larry was so kind to leave his speedo @ home!
It still was nice to see him otherwise!
sorry i did not get to see you gays at 2 but my blood sugar got low had to eat i could see you, i was up above in cafe. i had a real good show took Bob MacGregor up on his request and met nice bunch of gays and Larry. went all 3 days started buying on sat. got 3 new 70ton usa hoppers for $90 ,TrainZ had some deals also, got to see a lot of people.Sean where did you go on sunday? Shawn this is my train and the resin your wife was ill sorry
and some more pics.