So… can we say with complete certainty, that the whole EPL-LGB/Silvergate ventilation debate/affair/debacle/disaster/or any other description you chose to plug in, is absolutly positively with 100% assurity Dead, DOA, Finito, Done-Diddly-Done? All that rancor and as the Bard said “Smoke and Fury signifying Nothing” …and face it thats exactly what all the Fury by certain few Red Box fans amounted to, EPL is still dead, Marklin still owns LGB, alot of that is being made in China, and even thats now more expensive than ever. There was no magical last minute save, all the stuff the “Haters” predicted (BTW there were no 'haters" just people with clearer perspectives who chose to see the reality of the situation) and all that childish bile and gnashing of teeth amounted to absolutely NOTHING changing, sheesh, or maybe I should still be waiting for “Next Week” Yeah I’m still a little ticked over all that…I just want to finally say THE WHOLE DEBACLE is DEAD DEAD DEAD