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Mike no he didnt. It was out of season which means in some places even touching it, even under the guise of helping it, can be illegal. Especially if its a protected species. Under these circumstances logic becomes a four letter word.

Victor Smith said:
Mike no he didnt. It was out of season which means in some places even touching it, even under the guise of helping it, can be illegal. Especially if its a protected species. Under these circumstances logic becomes a four letter word.
I did not dare hang the critter to dress him out. I had to wait 'til dark, load him in my pick up and then drive him to USFS land to drop him off. No doubt that he was breakfast for some coyote kits or cubs or pups, whatever they are called, that next morning.

As far as taxes go, the idiots just spend it on some program designed to get them re-elected next time, not on anything worthwhile like wildlife management.


Steve Featherkile said:
Victor Smith said:
Mike no he didnt. It was out of season which means in some places even touching it, even under the guise of helping it, can be illegal. Especially if its a protected species. Under these circumstances logic becomes a four letter word.
I did not dare hang the critter to dress him out. I had to wait 'til dark, load him in my pick up and then drive him to USFS land to drop him off. No doubt that he was breakfast for some coyote kits or cubs or pups, whatever they are called, that next morning.

As far as taxes go, the idiots just spend it on some program designed to get them re-elected next time, not on anything worthwhile like wildlife management.


I know your issue was legit and all the game warden had to do was go out and see for himself (sounds like you were dealing with one that did not want to do his job, same for the Sherif. They also prob had to do a discharge report that they wanted to avoid). The problem is we have so many people that have killed deer get caught and then they say “well it was hit by a car and I didnt want to see it suffer”. When in reality they poched it. You can blame all the dishonest people in the world. Its amazing how many people will lie to my face even when I saw them do it. I had a guy pass me on a double yellow. I was in a marked car. After I stopped him he said he did not pass me??? Really. Then he faught it in court. Of course he lost Lol.
Any deer freshly hit in NJ can be kept as long as you get a free tag. Our wardens/police are pretty good at dipatching injured deer.

Idiots ruin everything for the rest of us. I just hope “rest of us” is the majority.

Work with Nature, never against her, and you will have an unbeatable ally.

Stray tomcats will mark their territory, creating an awful stink and spoiling your enjoyment of the garden. Fight back! Mark your own territory! Go out after dark and relieve yourself. You will solve your cat problem at the same time. Next morning Tom will figure there’s a big ape around there that he doesn’t want to tangle with. Saves you the water used in flushing as well!

In the rare case where your own territorial marking effort doesn’t fool Tommy, go to your local nursery and buy fox urine pellets to sprinkle around. They may not work on cougars or lynxes, but they’ll certainly make any smaller cat think twice.

For many years after we moved to the desert we had a “balance” to nature. As more people move to the desert we get more stray dogs and coyotes and less of kot foxes, roadrunners, etc.

We would have much less problems if people kept their dogs corralled and didn’t leave the trash for the coyotes.

No one has ever said too many people didn’t have smarts!

Next time call Cat Tails. They’ll come and get it for free to feed their big cats. Call 'em first. Mebbe the guvmint has stopped them from that, too!

Back to Alan’s thread.
I think the layout would look better overall if you replaced those white rocks with something smaller such as 1/2 minus crushed rock.
Something darker such as basalt. Just my 2 sheckles worth. The darker, smaller rock would show off the buildings and details better.

Too bad about the deer issue. I thank god I live where I do. 99% of all law enforcement in my area will be glad to dispatch the deer that is suffering from a vehicle hit. And if I were to do it myself, I would have no problem. There is actually a law on the books in my state that protect a person dispatching an animal that has been injured by a vehicle. Of course you must report it. However, I wouldnt want a deer that has been bleeding internally for a long time anyways. It makes them more “gamey”