Large Scale Central

Searching for ideerz

I can’t believe what I’m hearing, doing away with one of Gods little creatures that bring joy and love to so many people. I enjoy having my little track inspector out with me when I work on my layout.


Even if she does fall a sleep on the job sometimes.


If you’re having problems with “Stray” cats go to the local pet supply house and they have stuff you can spray on your plants to keep them away. I don’t know about where you live, but killing an animal with anti-freeze is a stay in the local lock-up facility in my state, where all the real bad animals live.

Our cat’s only 10 but never ventures out of the yard. The only problem we’ve ever had was with our neighbor’s dogs.

Good thing you don’t live next door to Shawn.

This is my track inspecter. She’s 18 and still going to work everyday.



And she has two junior inspecters working under her but they didn’t show up for work today. (I think they are holding down some living room furniture)

18? Wow!

Hey Randy, both of our track inspectors could be related, they sure look alike. Must be that great Pacific Northwest air.

They do look alike, that’s why I thought I’d show my ‘inspecter’ and derail this thread even more. :slight_smile:
And on the stray cats roaming into my yard, our dog put the run on them right now but she knows better than to chase our ‘inspecters’. They are in charge of the whole yard. :wink:

Hah, cats are no problem. I got a Turkey problem. I told my oldest son to get out his BB gun and shoot a few. It wont kill’em just bother them enough they will stay away.

Well, I got looking at the edge of the upper pool, and it was starting to crush under the weight of the “mountain”… sooooooooo.


Off came the tunnel, and a heavy slurry of sand and small pebbles was packed down the outside of the liner… Instead of reinstalling the tunnel, I just made a cliff and moraine for now. I’ll re-evaluate it later to see how much it settles before making a final decision.


Then I took out Giant Gnome Farm to move the sawmill closer to the other tunnel, - which opens up the middle of the layout for plantings. Hopefully it will bring back the feeling of space.


Before starting to put out the buildings, the whole village square got re-leveled.


Isn’t it funny? Full sized buildings rarely move. Model buildings… Actually, I think this arrangement looks better.


Besides the new flower shop, I decided to remake a maintenance flat into a short freight platform. It fits the space pretty well.


Aaaaaaaaand, some yahoo tossed another cat out the window and drove off Sunday night. It keeps trying to come in the house. If anybody wants a huge yalla cat, come get it!

Keep it Mik, it will chase all the other cats away if it lives there.

Kim HAD a cat that “lived there”… he hid under the porch whan any other male cats came by… His name is now Splat, as he was hit by a car Tuesday night. We couldn’t bury him with his favorite toy, as I think the dog would object if we buried her tail.

Sorry to hear bout Kim’s cat.

That’s always my worry about ours but he seldom leaves the yard.

I’m surprised that someone in our group would want to harm any creature. This is a rescue kitty she is very friendly and smart. My dog and cat get along well. Miss Kitty was named after Kitty Russel in Gun Smoke.


Kim was also talking to one of the neighbors who told her that her cat wasn’t “completely gone”, as he managed to knock up 3 of her barn cats before he died (And the vet recently said he was “too young” to be fixed yet?). Must have been some party! Lady says Kim needs to find homes for them. Anybody want a kitten or maybe 9 or 15? - part white shorthair, part Maine Coon - they should be ready by May

We also gots a new volunteer for the RR… While I was working on the waterfall, I came eye to eye with a bullfrog. For some reason Kim says it’s name is “Jeremiah” :smiley:

And David, sorry, but feral cats are just as much vermin as rats - and nearly as destructive to the ecosystem. City folks seem to think they can just toss their unwanted animal out in the country, and some farmer 'will be glad to have them". Unfortunately, poisoning morons carries a much harsher sentence than reducing the surplus cat population.

Mik said:
Kim was also talking to one of the neighbors who told her that her cat wasn't "completely gone", as he managed to knock up 3 of her barn cats before he died (And the vet recently said he was "too young" to be fixed yet?). Must have been some party! Lady says Kim needs to find homes for them. Anybody want a kitten or maybe 9 or 15? - part white shorthair, part Maine Coon - they should be ready by May

We also gots a new volunteer for the RR… While I was working on the waterfall, I came eye to eye with a bullfrog. For some reason Kim says it’s name is “Jeremiah” :smiley:

And David, sorry, but feral cats are just as much vermin as rats - and nearly as destructive to the ecosystem. City folks seem to think they can just toss their unwanted animal out in the country, and some farmer 'will be glad to have them". Unfortunately, poisoning morons carries a much harsher sentence than reducing the surplus cat population.

I hear ya on that Mik. City folk do the same to us. I was never a cat fan, my wife on the other hand loves her cat ugh. I hate that they dig in my horeshoe pit and use it as a bathroom, liter boxes, smelly cat food, hairballs, vet bills ,they stay up all night long playing with everything.

Shawn, Legal or not, I don’t think I know any local farmers who have NOT been forced to use the “3 S”* method to keep down the abandoned animal population. It’s been even worse since the county eliminated the animal control officer’s job due to “budget concerns”.

If you love your kitty, spay or neuter it. PLEASE!

*(Shoot, Shovel, Shut up)

Heh, I’ve got this kitty problem.


Last year, some city feller hit a deer with his car, didn’t kill it, threw it in my yard. My dog found it that afternoon on our rounds. It was obvious that its’ back was broken.

I called the game warden, who said that he wasn’t interested, called the sheriff, same answer, called the inHumane Society who said they don’t do wildlife, you get the picture, none of our paid law enforcement types were interested in helping.

I called the game warden back and asked what he would do if I dispatched the deer myself. He said he would arrest me because it was not deer season and I didn’t have a deer tag. No sh*t he really said that! I reminded him that there was a deer with a broken back that wasn’t going to get better and the idiot asked how I knew his back was broken. At that point, I decided that there was no point in arguing with an idiot, because it is fruitless and annoys the idiot, and hung up.

So, I sharpened my Kukri, begged the deer’s forgiveness, and dispatched him quickly and humanely.

I swear, some of these LEOs out here are city fellers.

It’s a shame when you have to deal with someone who is not really thinking clearly, or, in the alternative, is being told what he can and cannot do by someone who is not thinking clearly.

Sorry your local gov services are light. The rule in our county is “if you drag it to the street, we’ll pick it up free, or we’ll come on to your property and get it for fifty bucks.” Not sure what they’d do with a suffering animal, but I am pretty sure it’d be humane. (Wife’s on the board, I’ll ask her)

But, just as a matter of debate, and seein’ as how you’re not pleased with the level of services you’re gettin’, how did your county vote last time a tax was on the table? TANSSTAAFL

On the other hand, sounds like you got some free venison, though I am sorry for the deer’s suffering in the meantime.