Converting two CN SD70MAC’s into two SD75I’s with the help of a couple of extra shells.
Cabs are ready for paint.
Converting two CN SD70MAC’s into two SD75I’s with the help of a couple of extra shells.
Cabs are ready for paint.
Wow ! Did you do some surgery on the noses,? A little Rhinoplasty to shorten them a little bit? Did you make the top of the cab more sticking out over the windscreens? I’m trying to guess what has been done from pictures I am looking at on my phone tonight!
Hi Pete,
I removed the high sand hatches on the nose, and replaced them with small round hatches lower down. The cab over the windows is smoothed out, and the number boards will be flush. They also have larger grab irons over the windows. The black areas were filled, and painted to help see any flaws.
How do you drill you grab iron holes so straight? I’ve tried over and over to drill straight on my GP30 and they never get as straight as what you’ve got.
Hi Craig,
After I measure and mark everything, I use a punch to mark all of the drill points. I find it works pretty good for me.
I thought your name was Shane … not STANLEY … ( …
YESSSSS!!! Another engine bash we get to watch. Looking forward to this Shane!
Sean, hopefully Stanley doesn’t see this thread. (
Thanks Eric.
Now sporting basic paint. Working on the small details. Should be able to paint the markings on Monday.
Shane Stewart said:
Hi Craig,
After I measure and mark everything, I use a punch to mark all of the drill points. I find it works pretty good for me.
Thanks. It sounds so simple… ( have no clue when I will ever get back to that project, but it’s currently sitting gathering dust.
I love it ! You printing the shades/visors or making them ?
Bump for post count
Made out of a piece of 1/16" styrene. Edges are all sanded at 30 degrees to hide the thickness.
Cabs are complete. I’ve started cutting up the long hoods.
Nice work!
Thanks Guys.
I got the tail end roughed in today. I removed about 9/16" between the tail and the vents. The last big mod will be removing the raised walkway on the conductor side. After that it will just be detailing work. Hope to be done by April.
Engineer’s side detail added. Now on to the conductor’s side.
Funny it looks like a lot of fridge doors leaning against the sides … Nice work …
Sean, my late grandfather had some fridges that were built like locomotives. (
Conductor’s side is complete. Now I just need to sand down the old markings, and I’ll be able to paint the long hoods. (
Impressive… !
Thanks Sean.
Tail ends are painted. Rear markings will be done next week. I think it’s time to order some batteries, and start working on the bases.
PS- I’m pretty happy with the front vents. They cast a shadow just like the real ones.