Large Scale Central

Scratch built locomotives.

Hans posted a really remarkable video of a scratch built tram. The builder was just 20 years old. It got me thinking and I was wondering if anyone in here has ever scratch built a modern locomotive or even a steam era locomotive.

I model, but my modeling skills are no where near good enough to do something of this scope.

If I could, I would like very much to scratch build a DD40AX in 1:29 scale in UP livery. I guess I could do what UP really did. Just marry up two locomotives and give her a set of 8 wheeled trucks and viola. If only it were that easy.

Still, there are those of you in here that lead me to believe that you are capable of doing this.


Easy to find in the Modeling Forum …


Thanks John.

Man that BLM is a pretty cool looking locomotive. I actually like it…allot.

I was sitting here thinking that if I purchased to used SD 45’s and cut them and rejoined them, would I not have the makings of a Centennial? Of course I realize there is considerable work to be done as far as the nose of the locomotive (face) and those 8 wheeled trucks. Maybe I could find an old PRR Aristo Craft
oh I forget the name/nomenclature, it looks like a F7 but has 8 wheeled trucks. I believe.

Well anyway, maybe I could do this after all. Expensive, but worth it if I put in the time and effort.



A DD40 has been done on the My Large Scale forum.

Personally I would love to see the DD35A and DD35B units. I used to have a set of line drawings from EMD in 1:32 scale, but lost them somewhere in some move over the decades.

Bob C.

Stacy Krausmann said:

I was wondering if anyone in here has ever scratch built a modern locomotive or even a steam era locomotive.

I have done both

I’ve done a couple of steamers(battery powered) you can see them on my web page. Hit the projects button.

David Russell said:

Stacy Krausmann said:

I was wondering if anyone in here has ever scratch built a modern locomotive or even a steam era locomotive.

I have done both

And fine models they were! Along with Jerry’s models as well.

There’s a lot of folks that have done it and can give you advice when needed. I’ve done a couple of diesels:

and a steam loco (battery)

I scratchbuilt a small loco for the MLS masterclass back when they were doing them. I “kitbash” most of my stuff now. I think most of us fall into the Kitbashers realm.

MLS project:

If you want anything not already in productions, within the next 2 years min, then the only choice is to scratch build your own stuff


Thanks to all for the information.

Bob Cope said:


A DD40 has been done on the My Large Scale forum.

Personally I would love to see the DD35A and DD35B units. I used to have a set of line drawings from EMD in 1:32 scale, but lost them somewhere in some move over the decades.

Bob C.

Thank you Bob. I checked out the pictures of the one that was scratch built out of two SD45’s. Very nicely done.

Stacy Krausmann said:

Thanks John.

Man that BLM is a pretty cool looking locomotive. I actually like it…allot.

I was sitting here thinking that if I purchased to used SD 45’s and cut them and rejoined them, would I not have the makings of a Centennial? Of course I realize there is considerable work to be done as far as the nose of the locomotive (face) and those 8 wheeled trucks. Maybe I could find an old PRR Aristo Craft
oh I forget the name/nomenclature, it looks like a F7 but has 8 wheeled trucks. I believe.

Well anyway, maybe I could do this after all. Expensive, but worth it if I put in the time and effort.


I was wrong about the E8 locomotive. That was what I was thinking had a 8 wheeled truck. Could not remember. Anyway, it appears that the trucks would have to be scratch built anyway.

Stacy Krausmann said:

Stacy Krausmann said:

Thanks John.

Man that BLM is a pretty cool looking locomotive. I actually like it…allot.

I was sitting here thinking that if I purchased to used SD 45’s and cut them and rejoined them, would I not have the makings of a Centennial? Of course I realize there is considerable work to be done as far as the nose of the locomotive (face) and those 8 wheeled trucks. Maybe I could find an old PRR Aristo Craft
oh I forget the name/nomenclature, it looks like a F7 but has 8 wheeled trucks. I believe.

Well anyway, maybe I could do this after all. Expensive, but worth it if I put in the time and effort.


I was wrong about the E8 locomotive. That was what I was thinking had a 8 wheeled truck. Could not remember. Anyway, it appears that the trucks would have to be scratch built anyway.

----------------- didn’t split right for me… John after this::::::

For the record, the loco I pointed you to is a BL-2 … the Bureau of Land Management had nothing to do with it… I kid.

You could could just make new side frames instead of using off the shelf. Just combining existing models won’t make a proto model, but rather what a manufacturer might cobble for sales … see Eggliner.

Happy Rails


It all depends what you mean by ‘scratch built’. Marc (editor of GR Mag) recently posted in an editorial that he didn’t think making parts using a 3D printer was ‘modelling’ or something along those lines.

Personally, I think that if you convert and modify a drawing and have the item printed in 3D, then is it scratch built. Just because you used a printer tool instead of a carving knife it is still your creation.

However, ‘kit bashing’, which a lot of us practice, may or may not be ‘scratch building’. Bruce’s steam engine is a good example - there’s a complete but different 2-8-2 locomotive buried under all those details. His little diesel is indeed scratch built - we saw the pictures.

When does modifying an existing item become scratch building? If you make a whole new car but use off-the-shelf trucks, is it scratch built?

Or an even more complex example - EBT caboose #26, which I modelled a couple of years ago, was prototypically built on a flat car. But I didn’t build the flat car - I did what they did and made the body on an existing flat. The body was a laser ‘kit’ put together by Old Iron Designs and Great American Locomotion - I had to supply doors and windos from Ozark and a lot of interior details, wire for handrails, etc. So it is a unique model that I had to put together, and it wasn’t a kit bash, but I wouldn’t call it scratch built!

Ya know… .in other modeling camps this discusssion has been beat to death…are we model builders or model assemblers? Is it scratchbuilt, parts built, or kitbashed? Ya know…I don’t care…I have a 4 truck Narrow gauge Shay that never existed and thats all I need to know…Its mine…I created it…

Pete Thornton said:

Marc (editor of GR Mag) recently posted in an editorial that he didn’t think making parts using a 3D printer was ‘modelling’ or something along those lines.

Well, that is certainly one man’s opinion, and Marc is entitled to it, but that doesn’t make it true. That is a pretty narrow definition, in my opinion…

Steve Featherkile said:

Pete Thornton said:

Marc (editor of GR Mag) recently posted in an editorial that he didn’t think making parts using a 3D printer was ‘modelling’ or something along those lines.

Well, that is certainly one man’s opinion, and Marc is entitled to it, but that doesn’t make it true. That is a pretty narrow definition, in my opinion…

Marc probably hasn’t tried to get a 3D-Cad drawing ready for printing or he would sing a different tune.

John Caughey said:

Stacy Krausmann said:

Stacy Krausmann said:

Thanks John.

Man that BLM is a pretty cool looking locomotive. I actually like it…allot.

I was sitting here thinking that if I purchased to used SD 45’s and cut them and rejoined them, would I not have the makings of a Centennial? Of course I realize there is considerable work to be done as far as the nose of the locomotive (face) and those 8 wheeled trucks. Maybe I could find an old PRR Aristo Craft
oh I forget the name/nomenclature, it looks like a F7 but has 8 wheeled trucks. I believe.

Well anyway, maybe I could do this after all. Expensive, but worth it if I put in the time and effort.


I was wrong about the E8 locomotive. That was what I was thinking had a 8 wheeled truck. Could not remember. Anyway, it appears that the trucks would have to be scratch built anyway.

----------------- didn’t split right for me… John after this::::::

For the record, the loco I pointed you to is a BL-2 … the Bureau of Land Management had nothing to do with it… I kid.

You could could just make new side frames instead of using off the shelf. Just combining existing models won’t make a proto model, but rather what a manufacturer might cobble for sales … see Eggliner.

Happy Rails


For the record…I made a mistake.


Scratch built…to me…is anything that is created, manufactured or built that requires one to assemble home made items/parts into an original model. One off.

So this isn’t a "model"according to Marc??


Its 99% 3d printed from scratch drawings