Large Scale Central

Rowson 2024 Mik challenge - Dom's Furniture

Jim, just curious. Not even a criticism as much just pure curiosity. But is the stack going to be that long. Seems exaggerated to me. But at the same time if its “necessary” to pipe the smoke away from something then by all means. I am willing to bet that its not unrealistic as there is a prototype for everything. So more or less is that the plan or is it just not cut down yet?

Aside from my nit picking that is a right nice steam engine in the works.

Not sure how tall it needs to be yet. Current thinking is to build a metal roof over the engine so wanted to be sure I had enough stack.

Good thought, though! And thanks for the encouragement.

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I like that plan. Not only does it make sense but I am sure this is how it was done. Bring in the engine put it in a building and make the stack work. So I like the logic and can’t wait to see the result.

On Steam Boilers that weren’t directly part of an engine, often times they had a longer stack to create a draft for the firebox. with a “engine” located away from the boiler, the exhaust from the driving pistons wouldn’t be fed back into the smoke box to create a draft like on a loco. longer stack creates it’s own draft.

On D&RGW 315, when we are providing steam to the pile driver, we have to keep the blower running to create the draft to keep a hot fire.

Did you not look at the “prototype” picture on Wayne’s oil derrick thread when you commented on it about the same time you wrote this?

I hadn’t looked that close but there is a prototype for everything.

Thanks for the explanation Dave. Makes perfect sense.

Steam engine is looking great, Jim. I love all the rivets ……. well, as long as you’re the one adding them and not me :grin:

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I’ve been working on some of the details for my horizontal steam power to drive the belts in the wood workshop.

Not done yet. Still need power and fly wheels, piping, water refill, etc.

A bit rough but may be ok given visitor vantage points.


Love the tricock handles…

Looking good Jim. Your steam engine is going to look great when it is painted up.

Drive and flywheels are mounted and connected to the piston. Piping left to do.


How did you get the flair in the top of the stack?

I used a heat gun to soften the end of the styrene tube and then used the wrench from my dremel to gently widen the top.

Very random and seat of the pants.

Cool…and very authentic.

The many of our shows (similar to your state fairs) have a group or two stationary engine cubs showing off working machines.
Regional shows and steam fests tend to be bigger and some will feature stationary and traction engines actually working at the job they were designed for. It’s surprisingly a big thing here.

Sovereign Hill up until very recently ran everything mechanical with live steam. $100,000 in firewood was used and Covid stopped that. They’re keeping everything lubricated and going through the motions now, but running with an electric motor in the background.

Melbourne Steam

Booleroo Steam

Western Australia Steam

Tassie Steam Fest

That looks awful Jim. Just horrible. If I were you I’d scrap the entire project. Put it in a box and send it to me and I’ll dispose of it for you.

You are so generous! Sorry I failed to learn from your previous Mik steam donkey adventures.

I feel just terrible.


From steam dome to drive piston out, piston exhaust.


Looking awesome as usual Jim. Love the piping. Just some tried and true scratch building techniques there. Love it.

I’m disappointed that the run number on the pipe is upside down as it would look good as a number on the side after it’s all done! Looks like another Jim masterpiece is the “pipe” copper wire ?

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@Pete_Lassen yes, the piping is 14 gauge single strand copper wire. The insulation is stripped then sliced into thin sections and used to represent flanges for the joints and fittings.

Learned how to do this from @Rick_Marty a few years ago. (Edited to add pointer to Rick’s 2019 Mik build: Rick's Mik 2019 - #40 by Rick_Marty)

Yeah, this will all be painted of course, so no numbers, I’m afraid.

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