Large Scale Central

Rio Grande Southern T-19 Annie Kitbash

Hi all I’ve been busy beavering away at another kitbash, this time a RGS T-19 4-6-0 out of an Annie, following Rod Hayward’s notes on his bash (see The loco started off as one of the North Pole and Southern Annies, with Stephenson link valve gear aka:

It had it’s nose cut off, and the smokebox shortened by about 3/8", a new smokebox door, new scratchbuilt cab, new running boards, and a bigger tender (taller). This is what it look like after the initial work was done:

Following that, I’ve spent a fair bit of time detailing it up and doing all the plumbing, and giving it an initial coat of primer and gloss black so I can see the imperfections:

Apologies for the messy bench and other unfinished projects. I promise it was clean when I started this loco! Well I finally got it all together last week, and yesterday gave it its first run using RCS and batteries. I’ve uploaded a video on YouTube here which also shows my garden railroad. Still has a couple of things to finish off, like detailing the cab roof and a little bit of plumbing and new steps for the tender, but she is nearly done and runs a treat. I must sincerely thank Rod for both his article and his guidance along the way, it has been invaluable. Further pics will be posted once she has been through the paint shop. Cheers Tony


Gotta love that great sounding chuff halfway through.

So you won’t be needing that sound system after all? :wink:

Tony, Great looking bash!! How did you do the cab it looks great. I would love to tackle a cab build but it seems rather intimidating to me. Did you take any photos during the build? If so can you post them?

Thanks Gents

Tony, if only I could get a sound system that good for the same price (a $5.00 download from Green Frog Productions!).

Dave, the cab is the double layer method originally done by David Fletcher, where the underlying structure is 80 thou styrene, with a 40 thou layer on top which has cutouts to represent the window framing etc. Additional bits like doors and windows are separate 40 thou inserts. I must admit, the cab was the one thing that really changed the look of the loco.



Beautiful work. I understand you copied David Fletcher’s method, but where did you get the design for the cab? Is that design out of your imagination?

this is my RGS #25 bash, built around the time Rod built his loco. Numerous other Bachmann bashes (2-8-0, 4-4-4-0, 4-6-2, 4-8-2, 4-8-0)on my You-tube site. I am currently progressing another 4-8-0 in more modern guise.

Hi Ric

Rod had the design on his web site under the T-19 page at one stage, or I had found a very similar one elsewhere, but he was kind enough to send me a pdf too, so I used that. Its actually very close to the size of the Bachmann wooden cab, but the dual layer approach makes for a much nicer version (though with a bit of filing!).

Tim, was only looking at your videos this morning when YouTube gave me some related links after my video had uploaded. I figured it must have been in Oz because I could hear lorikeets in the background the same as in mine. Really liked the pacific bash, I think I might have me one of them eventually!


I live in Sydney. I am a friend of another LSC member (Danny Sheehan) from Brisbane. The Lorikeet is a tame Scaly-breasted around seven years old. There is also a noisy Indian Ringneck, along with the numerous itinerant Rainbow Lorikeets that frequent my Colistemon trees. Every time I attempt to take videos, the birds become very vocal. The Pacific is also my favourite loco bash.

Great looking loco. Can’t wait to see it when it’s painted…:wink:

Tim Brien said:
Tony, this is my RGS #25 bash, built around the time Rod built his loco. Numerous other Bachmann bashes (2-8-0, 4-4-4-0, 4-6-2, 4-8-2, 4-8-0)on my You-tube site. I am currently progressing another 4-8-0 in more modern guise.

Nice setup Tim. Is your whole layout on trestles? P.S. Weird looking plants.

Ken Brunt said:
Great looking loco. Can't wait to see it when it's painted.......;)
Hi Ken

Neither can I! She needs to visit the paint shop sometime in the next week ready for our big annual model railway show and associated modelling competition.


PS David, you think the plants are weird, wait till you see some of the natives (animals that is, though in my old neighborhood, I sometimes wondered…)

That’s very nice looking - a great bash!

Very nice. Video looks great with the sound.

Thanks Gents


Great change! Can’t wait to see it out of the paint shop.



Looks great so far!

Hi all The LCNGRR’s latest motive power went through the paint shop today, with management agreeing that the new silver smokebox front looks agreeable and suitable for application on all future locos. Workshop apprentice, Connor Weber, assisted the paint shop staff during the process. Test runs indicate that shakedown testing was beneficial and after oiling up no hot boxes, bearings or other surfaces were noted on the first run. Crews also like the new locomotive and have found it to be free running and good steaming, though the lack of smoke has made the fireman’s job a little difficult, as he can no longer tell when he has thrown on too much coal. Management have not confirmed whether this is due to the premium coal loaded on the tender, or a new efficiency device concealed under the coal bunker which seems to glow green when switched on. Photos show the locomotive at the head of train Number 1, the regular daily passenger service from Lavender Creek, via Connor Pass and onto Lachlan Valley. Firstly, past the railroad’s namesake vegetation



Then, climbing over Spiral Bridge, on her way to Connor Pass



The Workshop engineer wishes to unreservedly thank Rod Hayward for all of his inspiration, guidance and assistance in this rebuilding project. Yours in railroading Management and staff of Lavender Creek Narrow Gauge Railroad

I love the look of the cab…nice job!

Tony, will you be bringing the loco to the Brisbane Train Show next weekend?

TonyWalsham said:
Tony, will you be bringing the loco to the Brisbane Train Show next weekend?
Tony, I'll be bringing it along as I want to put it into the modelling comp there on the Saturday. Just got to build one of those fancy track totes like the one David Hill showed.

Ken, thanks for that. The cab really seems to set it off.
