Well it is finally time again, I have cleared the benches and am ready to go.
So here is my idea.
When I saw this posted by Peter in the “Strange Locomotives” thread I saved the pictures and looked for others knowing I just had to build one someday. Then up popped Dave with this years subject, perfect.
But it does remain to be seen if I can finish it in time.
Here it is in all it’s beauty, I was able to locate a second picture but not much else.
After checking through the junk, errr, I mean supplies I came up with a new unused 10 wheeler chassis and a few other pieces but there is a lot of scratch building to do. The chassis does not have the correct driver spacing but oh well it will have to do. I can change the pilot wheel spacing without much work.
This is one of the newer ones but still plastic gears instead of metal.
Enough lead sheet to use for weight, within 1 oz of the factory weight.
My blueprint for building a Cat 60 engine to power the beast. I thought I might be able to buy an engine model and I can, seems they start at about 50 bucks and go to 350 bucks so scratch building is looking pretty good.
OK, the mandatory shop towel drawing.
Looks to be shaping up as another great Challenge year with the number of entries so far.
Let’s have fun.