Large Scale Central

Rick's MIK 24

We have been pretty busy this Fall/Winter developing the new town of Fields Landing on the railroad and was hoping the subject of this years MIK build would fit in somewhere. With the announcement of the “line side industry” as the subject I thought I was in trouble as most all the real estate in the new town was/is spoken for and there was only one available siding.

There is one little triangle area way down at the end of the siding that was available, but what kind of an industry would fit in there and be half way practical? I Googled “Small rail side industries” trying to come up with an idea that might work. A small fuel facility popped up and after thinking about it and considering some twists that could be put on it I headed for the junk/parts boxes.

A very bad screen shot of “sorta” what I have in mind only with a twist.

I made a rough cardboard templet of the area available and placed some cutouts of the structures that I want to fit in the area.

After rooting through all the possibly usable parts and pieces this is what I have came up with so far, Oh, and a piece of cement board out in the barn for the base. Looking like I might have to spends some money this year.

The twist will be adding a small “gas station” to the facility, the truck will need to be repainted and lettered for Texaco, not sure that will fall within the time limits of the Challenge though.

Napkin drawing to follow.

What’s that peaking out in the background? Looks to be a railroad served building…

You going to be raiding the local construction sites for pipe cut offs?

Craig, If you mean the cardboard mockup on the bench against the wall in the last picture, That’s the 3 story hotel and barber shop for the downtown area across from the depot.

Thats a great track side industry for a small space. Right close to my house was a UP siding and one of the track side industries was a Ferrell Gas propane facility. Nothing more than a couple large propane tanks that they filled from tanker cars and then the semi trucks with propane trailers would fill up and take to the various retailers and fill their tanks for resale.

Your idea reminds me very much of that and is perfect for an obscure facility that needs to be crammed in.

Well, the obligatory “napkin drawing” showing the layout of the area but no construction details.

I have also found a few more parts and pieces to be used in the building of this project, although some of them don’t quite measure up to 1:20 scale they will work just fine. Then of course there is the gas pumps that are actually 1:24 scale but they identify as 1:20 scale so I guess I just have to accept that and use them :smiley:

glad to see you are not scale shaming.

These sold as 1:18 scale are what you need. From my calculations they are really 1:20 scale. But as stated somewhere in these forums, “What is scale anyway?”

Yes, you’re right about those, I have one left in the supplies but it looked way oversized sitting next to the more modern 1:24 scale pumps, sooo.

Got the mockups done this morning so after the snow melted/rained off I set them out to get a better feel for their layout. I think this will work, need to pickup 2 more 3" PVC caps for the tanks.

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Well I picked up those 2 PVC caps and a coupler to cut down to make the tanks a little longer so they don’t look so much like a wheel less Egg Liner.
WOW, I know prices are up but 10 bucks for a 3" PVC end cap is crazy, and almost 4 bucks for the coupler, glad I had the other caps “in stock”, left over from a 1 to 1 project several years ago.

Spent more so far this year than I have on the MIK for the last 5 years combined, hope I don’t have to buy a can of spray paint or something and blow the budget :grinning:

Edit, might as well add a picture

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…so there’s no roll-over of cash saved on your previous Mik?!
Ok, I think I can handle that… not that I’d blow it on DSP&P…

Hmmm, never thought of that angle, this calls for a ruling from Dave Taylor. Ohh, Dave.

Dave’s not here…Dave’s not here man…

The rollover account in reverse means next year I don’t participate but I get $60 to spend. Humm :thinking::roll_eyes::joy:

Too bad I don’t live closer Rick, I’d let you have some of my pipe stash. I’ve got some nice 8" pipe just laying around for someday. I only ended up using half for the big silos on the feed mill.

That is crazy. I checked, and it’s the same here but oddly enough, the 4" PVC sewer and drain line caps are only $4 which is about what I would expect.

Maybe 3" isn’t used often in the trades?

Or is used a lot on the Pot Farms :wink: :grinning:

Could be the 4 inch sits and has an older price , where the 3 inch pipe just came in with the newer higher price :sunglasses:

Day 1
Off to a good start. I begin with the horizontal tanks only because I like playing with the lathe.

I cut the coupler down to three 1 inch long pieces to expand the tanks.

The extensions cut and all the embossed lettering filed off the end caps, except the one.

I had to hand cut the 3 inch pipe for the inside couplers because I couldn’t chuck the longer piece of pipe in the lathe.

All pieces cut, cleaned, marked and ready for assembly.

Glued up the pieces, had to open the shop doors and tough out the cold because that glue has a really powerful odor.

Glued the seam weld beads in place, this glue was even worse for odor. The weld seams are probably a little large and a little crooked but that’s the way I have always welded things anyway :wink: :blush:

I will get the horizontal seams glued on and these will be ready for paint, piping, and lettering :smiley:
Great fun so far.

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Got a little bit done today.
The sun came out this afternoon, first time in 2 weeks so had other things to take care of.

Anyway I painted the tanks and cut the support bases for them.

Wow, those look great, Rick. I enjoy watching you take common everyday items and make something that looks realistic. I approve, carry on :grin: