Large Scale Central

RGS Operations

Grrrrrrrr! This is going to be another bad experience I didn’t do by the times its over. So little time, so much to do.

Ric Golding said:

Grrrrrrrr! This is going to be another bad experience I didn’t do by the times its over. So little time, so much to do.

Ric Golding said:

Who’s going to the first KOPS?

Grrrrrrrr! This is going to be another bad experience I didn’t do by the times its over. So little time, so much to do.

By last count, about 17 people, give or take.

Well, we did have this discussion back in October at Andy’s…and you will be missed.

We are still planning on being there. Do you mind if I bring some live steam? I can run during a less popular time slot. Really looking forward to it.

By all means, Randy. Jerry Bolander bringing one of his live steamers and I believe Pete Thornton is too.


finally broke down and reserved a room, so I guess my ugly mug will show up with some RGS equipment.

Al P.

Al, you’ll blend right in with the rest of us ugly mugs…(

Ken Brunt said:

Al, you’ll blend right in with the rest of us ugly mugs…(

I thought that he would add a little bit of sophistication to a rowdy group.

Can I make a humble request that if you have a name badge/tag (LSC, MLS, TARR, whatever) you wear it ? I’m hopeless at remembering the names of people I only met once 2 years ago. (

Pete, I cant remember names of folks I met 2 minutes ago.

Pete Thornton said:

Can I make a humble request that if you have a name badge/tag (LSC, MLS, TARR, whatever) you wear it ? I’m hopeless at remembering the names of people I only met once 2 years ago. (

No problem Tom Gene Pete. We keep ours in the car just so we know who WE are.

For those that seldom if ever review their “Profile”, which is provided here, on LSC. You will find a print opportunity for your own personal “Name Badge” at that location. It just takes seconds to print it, and a bit longer to find the sharp edged cutting tool your mother refuses to trust you with…!!

I keep several copies of my “LSC NAME BADGE” in reserve, in case I ever have the pleasure of meeting any my fellow “Addicted, and/or, Obsessed” Large Scale Fanatics. They often are all around, but without Name Badges, they are often hard to recognize…

Thank you Mr. McCown, for providing this service.

Fred Mills

Fred Mills, BSc, (Sd, ss) said:

Thank you Mr. McCown, for providing this service.

Fred Mills


Bruce Chandler said:

Pete Thornton said:

Can I make a humble request that if you have a name badge/tag (LSC, MLS, TARR, whatever) you wear it ? I’m hopeless at remembering the names of people I only met once 2 years ago. (

No problem Tom Gene Pete. We keep ours in the car just so we know who WE are.

Bruce, the state of PA provides me with a plastic card with my name on it. It even has a picture of me, so I can recognize myself. it says that its an “A class CDL license”, whatever that means…

Yes Fred, I print out and wear my name badge at the shows, but I seamed to be in the solo minority at the ECLSTS.

Great Ken! May be the only chance I get to run it this year, depending how much time I can spend on layout building with everything else that needs done this year. Guess I better get a room reserved. Going to be a great break from the moving madness.

Ken Brunt said:

By all means, Randy. Jerry Bolander bringing one of his live steamers and I believe Pete Thornton is too.

Well in that case C.V.S.Ry. 2 Cyl Shay #2 will also make an appearance. Shawn; are you listening? Live Steam meet at Ken’s (

Ken, with his “Built for operations” railroad, offers a great opportunity for “Live Steamers” to learn more about their locomotives, and their true capabilities. Few Live Steamer owners actually learn that their locomotives can actually switch, and take part in RAILROAD operations. Most are content to just go “Roundy-Roundy”

With a good, well installed radio control unit, a live steamer is only limited by how much its operator has learned about the total capabilities of his live steam locomotive.

We have had successfully operated live steamers put to work on the IPP&W, and their operators have enjoyed the experience.

It’s great that Ken has built a fine OPERATIONAL railway, where live steamers can have this unique opportunity, to challenge their locomotives’ features, and their own operating skills…I wish I could be there, to watch great, STEAM POWERED, model locomotives, do more than just go around in circles…oh how I wish I could be there…

HAVE FUN EVERYONE, and…Ken…thank you for opening your doors to everyone.

Fred Mills

There are two skills involved here…the skill of operating a live steam powered locomotive locomotive, and the skill of operating a train powered by that live steam locomotive on an operational model railroad.

Operation on a railroad is more than just running a train from point to point, or round and round. It involves switching out sidings, and making up trains, along with meeting other trains on single track lines. All good, and enjoyable experiences, while interacting with fellow model railroaders, along the line.

I say this all, remembering the often, enjoyable experiences, of sitting with friends, watching a train powered by a locomotive (It doesn’t mater what the locomotive is; steam, electric, or wind-up) running smartly through the garden, or on a live steam track. There are times for both experiences…so please, please; don’t anyone take offense by what you enjoy most. Ken offers the experience of both, on his fine railroad. Try them both…you might like them both…!!

Fred Mills

I agree Fred, but I’ve not had much success. It could be because I am using single channel R/C with only Johnson Bar control. I find it slow speed control difficult and jerky. Perhaps with better R/C I would have better luck, but for now; I go in circles, albeit quite slowly as steamers go.

Fred…I’m really hoping to make it there this year and if I do I will be sure to break the toilet in memory of this years operations event!

John said: Johnson Bar