And I’m assuming one is Pete since he’s are driving up from the Annapolis MD area
Thought I was going to have to cancel, as we’re driving from FL, arriving Friday, in the wrong car (wife has new convertible and won’t let me (a) borrow it and leave her stranded or (b ) fill it with trains. [The Diamondhead excursion was the only exception.)
However, while we’re in FL, I store a neighbor’s car in my garage, and she encouraged me to use it, even to go to train events, while she’s still in SC. So I do have transport - though why I want another drive after the 1,200 miles from FL is not clear.
It’s unlikely I’ll have time to get my act together to bring a big steamer, though my Sea Lion and the UK freights are fun - and loosely coupled (if you know what that means.) I was hoping that EBT #15, my RYM Mike, would make the trip, as it has batteries and hasn’t run for years. But I may not have time to charge it. Hmmmm . . . what else is on the shelves in MD ?