as i got a zeroish energy level for weeks/months now, instead of doing much on the layout i am Devoning around…
what if… or if… or if not?
i am still ballasting and landscaping that 2ft. by 27ft. part of the layout, where the two opposing grades and the underground station are.
but, a thought, a new thought!, came to my mind. what if, if i reverse the normal way, layouts are structured?
normal layouting is, to have a foreground, and then (more or less steep) rising middle and background. so we, the observers, always look uphill.
would it be doable, to build in a way, that the observer looks downhill over a downwards slope (a kind of “background” up front) towards the important part (“foreground”) of the layout?
has it been done?
does any of you have pics of such layouts/parts of layouts?