Ken Brunt said:
Wouldn't that be the same as the guy who buys a bunch of train stuff and then resells it for more on eBay, trying to get a profit on it? Not quite the same scale, but still the same idea.
Not at all. First, trains, along with most common commercial trade items, are not a limited natural resource and are not critical to keep our national and global economies going.
Next, the guy would have to pay for the trains and probably take possession of them. He would be paying for them, storing them and taking a risk on whether and when he could sell them and at what price.
What you describe is just one version of a wholesaler ordering large quantities of a product in order to get the best price from the manufacturer and hoping he will sell them at a good price in the future. Note that there would still be plenty of trains available for those who don’t like that particular dealer or price.
Ken Brunt said:
All the more reason to open more of our country to drilling rather then relying on terrorist sponsors and unstable governments to provide oil. Want to bring the price down? Quit grasping at straws and pissin in the wind and open places in the US where there are ample supplies of oil. And why would they want to drill a low yield well if all that's going to happen is a bunch of greenies filing lawsuits and doing everything they possibly can to stop it?
The pertinent fact now is that Congress has stood in the way of developing America’s plentiful oil reserves since the 1970s. We began that decade with just 12% of our supply coming from foreign sources; today we get 70%. Put another way, we’re sending nearly $1 trillion overseas each year to buy oil so we can run our economy.
I couldn’t agree more. And that applies to developing every other available energy resource, including oil shale, coal, nuclear power, wind power, solar power, wave power and every other thing we can think of.
I am very opposed to government mandates that pretend to solve the energy problem. Just look what the alcohol mandate is doing and will continue to do to food prices. Meanwhile, Nancy Pelosi exhibits a “Let them eat cake” attitude and congress does nothing to reverse their awful mandate, said mandate having been ordered, bought and paid for by Archer Daniels Midland and a few midwestern corn dealers.
Joe Satnick said:
3. The speculators take the risk of the fluctuating market (that the producers and consumers have eliminated by "locking in their price") by buying, selling and trading the contracts in the futures market until the expiration date of the contract. The speculators are the "liquidity" (or "lifeblood") of the market. They buy contracts when they think the price will go up, sell when they think it will go down.
You are not guarenteed to make money in the speculator (guessing) game.
Unless the speculation involves a significant fraction of the available amounts of a very limited natural resource. One that is vital to our national and global economies. Then, a profit is actually guaranteed. Kind of like being able to capture the North American supply of air, or water. How much would we each pay for a breath or a drink?
Along with this blatant speculation by the Swiss traders and others, we have our government agencies’ complicity in these criminal acts by publicly announcing that this price run up is ‘just a result of natural market forces,’ and only admitting to the truth when they are caught out. I follow the news pretty closely, and had come to believe the lies these agencies were putting out. Still I had some nagging doubts, as there didn’t seem to be a shortage of gasoline: We just had to pay the price.
I no longer believe that, and now put much of the blame on our elected representatives who continue to stymy development of energy alternatives (unless you are ADM, and willing to pay for the privilege), and their hirelings who protect them by hiding the truth.
And if it’s only that our elected representatives and the people who inhabit these trade commissions are that dumb, they need replacing. But don’t hold your (currently free for the taking) breath waiting for some action.
Happy RRing,