Large Scale Central

Really cool start on a layout

David Maynard said:

I like that, that’s cool.

Joe, you can have pictures of 1000 pixels wide now. Wider is doable, the forum will resize to 1000 pixels but you end up using up your freight shed space faster with larger pictures.

Now you tell us . . .

Great looking layout. Always nice to have some grades to work with!

Pete, that was one of the features of the latest update. I am sorry, I thought folks knew that.

David Maynard said:

Pete, that was one of the features of the latest update. I am sorry, I thought folks knew that.

Nope. I missed that msg.

Oh, um, ah. I am sorry. I thought that was in the thread about the new features, wishes, and issues with the new software.

I guess I missed the same message Steve did! (

Thanks Steve and Joe for posting my pics for me and Randy for the photo posting 100 lesson. I worked all evening trying to get photos up myself but can’t seem to make it work. I was able to get 35 pics up on my profile page however, under profile photos (35). I was only able to get 2 pics in my freight shed. I’ll have to get in touch with Bob. I gave my donation last December but maybe my freight shed was never enabled. But even those two pics weren’t postable. Maybe the problem is that I’m using a MacBook Pro. I’ll keep working on it. I would really like to share them with Yunz.

Hey, Mark. I figured someone local would pick up on my Pittsburghese. I’m from Burgettstown. Directly west of the Pittsburgh off 22, about 2 miles from Weirton.

Soooo, if you take a trip to my profile photo section you can view 35 photos. Unfortunately they are not in any particular order but they do show most of the layout. Thanks to all for your positive comments. I’m still on it n’at.

Thanks Steve and Joe for posting my pics for me and Randy for the photo posting 100 lesson. I worked all evening trying to get photos up myself but can’t seem to make it work. I was able to get 35 pics up on my profile page however, under profile photos (35). I was only able to get 2 pics in my freight shed. I’ll have to get in touch with Bob. I gave my donation last December but maybe my freight shed was never enabled. But even those two pics weren’t postable. Maybe the problem is that I’m using a MacBook Pro. I’ll keep working on it. I would really like to share them with Yunz.

Hey, Mark. I figured someone local would pick up on my Pittsburghese. I’m from Burgettstown. Directly west of the Pittsburgh off 22, about 2 miles from Weirton.

Soooo, if you take a trip to my profile photo section you can view 35 photos. Unfortunately they are not in any particular order but they do show most of the layout. Thanks to all for your positive comments. I’m still on it n’at.

Burgettstown, oh my! I used to go out that way quite often to service copiers. My dispatchers didn’t know where it was, so when they asked me, I would tell them its just north of Slovan.

Here is a description of the 35 pics that can be found on my profile page:

1 phase one: view from front entrance of house, approx 15 years old

2 phase one: tressel, along side of house

3 phase one: covered bridge, constructed from red cedar fence boards by my son Dusty

4 phase two: 19’ suspension bridge with four red flashing led beacon on towers and 16’ truss bridge. Bridges made by Eaglewings Ironcraft.

5 phase two: 12’ arch bridge, double track

6 phase two: McKee’s Rocks under construction

7 phase two: chicken wire to begin burlap mache mountains, an adaptation of Mike McLaughlin’s work (btw, great YouTube video Mike. Thanks)

8 phase two: McKee’s Rocks landscaped

9 phase two: view from underpass of wooden platform and block wall transition

10 phase two: another view of arch bridge

11 phase two: arch bridge area landscaping completed

12 phase two: view of underpass from grade level tracks

13 phase two: underpass landscaping completed

more to come


I browsed all your photos. Wow. That is one outstanding railroad. Are you doing all that work by yourself? (

Thanks, Joe, and yes, all of the work was done by me. Except for the covered bridge, I did it all. People ask me how I did it and I respond just one block or board or shovel full, or one rail at a time. Looking back at some of the early pictures it amazes me how much I was able to accomplish but a lot can be done if you keep at it. It really helps to break down big projects many smaller tasks. That way, when you complete a particular task you can look at and feel a sense of accomplishment, and then set out for the next task. At the end of the day you realize that you got a lot done.

back to the pics:

14 phase two: View from deck of house. Can see track at grade level on right, block wall elevations on left side, and treacle platform 9 1/2’ from ground in the back left corner.

15 phase two: track supports and track in place for yard (over underpass).

16 phase two: McKee’s Rocks, a good vantage point for viewing both ends of phase two.

17 phase two: end of platform, track 9 1/2’ above ground at far left end.

18 phase two: more chicken wire for burlap mache rock work. Will allow light weight concrete rock work on the wooden framework.

19 phase one: lower track is the connector from phase one to phase two.

20 phase one: cedar tressel.

21 phase one: cedar and brass bridge.

22 phase two: construction of tunnels under McKee’s Rocks.

23 phase two: track being installed on part of elevated block wall section. The proposed track roadbed was laid out with two runs of 1/2" pvc conduit pipe. The supports consist of 1" pvc pipe upright pounded into the ground 18" (used a pole pounder and 1" iron pipe to make hole in ground and then inserted 1" pvc pipe.) along the proposed track roadbed. The supports were spaced every 12". A 1/2" pvc cross, glued to a piece on 1/2" pipe was loosely set into the 1" pipe sticking out of the ground. After a number of supports were set in place then the two runs of 1/2" pvc conduit were screwed to the top edges of the crosses to make the mounting surface for the track. Then the crosses were raised above the 1" supports to the desired elevation and then screwed in place. This makes a very strong ladder-like roadbed. The elevations of each support are easily adjusted by loosening the screw, raising or lowering the roadbed, and then re-installing the screw.

24 phase two: platform end framework.

25 phase two: platform deck installation, cantelevered over fill area below.

26 phase two: platform deck steps to ground.

27 phase two: platform bents being installed.

28 phase two: excavation begins for underpass construction.

29 phase two: completed hole for underpass.,

30 phase two: underpass construction using railroad ties.

31 phase two: underpass complete. View looking at underside of platform.

32 phase two: view of phase two from shed (modeled after Pola Silverton Station).

33 phase two: platform almost completed.

34 phase two: covering platform. First layer expanded galvanized metal, then 1/2" plastic hardware cloth, then landscaping fabric, and on top is fiberglass window screen.This has proved to be very strong but still allows water to drain through.

35 phase two: McKee’s Rocks vantage point.


Great, intriguing looking work! Holy Cow! We are also west of Pittsburgh, in Carlyle, Illinois. Thanks for trying to post pictures. Your work looks fantastic. Do you plan to lay track?(

That’s funny Dave, that you would use Slovan as a reference point. Burgettstown now has 3 traffic lights. Slovan I think has only a handfull of stop signs. Often I will use the Post Gazette Pavillion (Star Lake Amphitheater) here as a reference point. It’s definitely the largest venue in the area.

Ric, I appreciate your interest. I originally started the layout about 15 years ago with 8" sections of Aristcraft stainless steel rail and LGB plastic tie sections. They have held up extremely well over that time and for that reason, and also for continuity, I have just finished laying the track in the phase two project with the same. Well, almost the same. I had what I thought at the time was a good inventory of Aristo rail but it rapidly ran out. Robbie at RLD had still had a bunch of Aristo 5’ sections that I was able to use but they quickly ran out too. But then luckily AML came along with 6’ lengths ss rail, so I was able to complete the track installation.

I originally started with the ss rail because of it’s good conductivity, strength (we have a lot of deer out here) and cleanliness properties because I was strictly all track power at the time, mostly MTH. But since then , with all of the advancements in battery and r/c equipment, I have almost completely switched over to battery power.

Can you take some pics with trains in them? (

Mark Betlem said:

Hey, Mark. I figured someone local would pick up on my Pittsburghese. I’m from Burgettstown. Directly west of the Pittsburgh off 22, about 2 miles from Weirton.

Of course I know of Burgettstown, well I honestly only know of it because of the amphitheater otherwise I probably would never have a clue to where you are LOL. I am in the north hills but originally from the south hills not far from Dave.

Mark, I was just looking through your pics, what a thrill ride. I love your bents, your following of the terrain, use of mixed materials, and dramatic architecture for paths and platforms. Your layout really seems designed to bring the viewer into the story and action. Awesome job!


Mark, I used Slovan to mess with my dispatchers. They should have at least a clue where they are sending folks. I had an important account in Morgan, that I used to go to a lot. When my dispatchers would ask me where Morgan was, I would tell them it was between Cyan and Cuddy. I could have said it was a few miles west of Bridgeville, but then they would actually know where it was. (

Sean, I hope to have lots of pics coming down the pike with trains in them but so far, whenever I get them out there, I feel like I’m loosing my focus on the heavy construction and won’t ever get done. With that being said I believe that the construction is almost done so that I can spend more time with the trains. After all, that is what it’s all about…well sort of.

Cliff, thanks so much. I tried to build this with as few straight lines as possible. Except for the horizon, straight lines rarely occur in nature so I tend to be a bit irregular. My wife would probably agree.

Dave, I get what you’re saying and by mentioning Slovan it probably went over a whole lot better than saying you were near Timbuck Two.

Or the corner of Walk and Dont Walk.