Large Scale Central

Read This

For the first time in the almost 9 years I’ve run this forum, I have been forced to implement something I was hoping I would not have to.


No religion or politics discussion.
No insults. Period.
No “baiting” someone else’s beliefs, or pushing their buttons.

Anyone, and I mean ANYONE violating any of these rules, will get an public warning from me. A second offense will result in loss of posting privileges to the forums and chat. A third offense, and I will remove your account access.

Since I cannot, and do not, want to read every post in the forums, anyone that sees anything they deem violate any of the above 3 rules, email me a link to the thread, with the subject “LSC thread question” and I’ll take a look at it.

I, and I alone, am the final arbitrator on whether or not a post violates any of the above rules.

You can’t behave, so now you’ve been told to sit in the corner. Don’t like it, there are other train forums you can go try the same crap on. I’m FAR more lenient for misbehaviour than I should be, and I was hoping that you all would be adult enough to not behave like spoiled children. I, apparently, was wrong.

Thanks, Bob!
In the Off Topic forum, I enjoy reading things about what every other member would, or should, enjoy.

Other mechanical devices.
Things like grown up boys should talk about.
Hell, even pets and horses for heavens sake! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:
Anything but the things you listed as banned.

I wondered how long it would take to come to this.

Not too many places for some of the folks to go if they get put off this site.

At one time LSC was very civil, then it got taken over by some just looking to slam others.

Good choice Bob.

Thanks Bob

I was considering just passing up on visiting here as it was too much to filter out the BS. Guess I can stay around a little bit longer.


But Tony’s jokes are a riot! Told the Platypus one this morning.

Oh great , after LGB is gone , now we have these rules …

No religion or politics discussion.
No insults. Period.
No “baiting” someone else’s beliefs, or pushing their buttons.

I guess it just took longer here , than on the other forums .
Thanks Bob

I support and appreciate this decision.

There is no reason to HAVE to insult anyone.

As adults, we can avoid topics by choice.

This is a free site with a lot of great knowledge, so I think this is for the better.

Regards, Greg

I only gave what was given. I glad to hear the new rules. I think it bodes well for the future of LSC!

Bob, I think that you should have just locked this when you wrote and posted it, and posted it both at the top of the ““General Discussion”” forum, and the ““Off Topic”” forum…


Thank you Bob.

Respected and understood…Thank you!

Tango Yankee.

Maybe I’ll log back in.
Other than once, I think I have been signed off almost all railroad forums since late last year.

Hmmmmmm, I guess I didn’t miss much the past three weeks, eh!?!


Thank you, Bob.

I always think about how I can give back to the hobby. It is important to me.

Barry - BBT

Welcome back, TOC, we all missed you!

Can we get back to talking about trains now?

Are you going to limit the scope of the jokes? That would be sad. On the other hand, cleaning up the discussions is a good idea.