Large Scale Central

Railtruck for the Durango & Jasper

To be fair, mostly I wasn’t good enough at holding things in position. It isn’t the soldering so much as me trying to take shortcuts. Silly me…

Yeah, I NEVER take any short cuts when I build as it’s all by the book !

The Book of Rooster chapter 21(this June) verse 69

Jim Rowson said:

To be fair, mostly I wasn’t good enough at holding things in position. It isn’t the soldering so much as me trying to take shortcuts. Silly me…

It’s NOT cheating! (

It’s just the only way to make sure things don’t shift when you don’t want them to! I always used a jig - and LOTS of pins to hold everything down. But, when it’s complete it always amazed me at how strong it really was. (And, quite frankly, I was always amazed at how good it looked! (

Awesome. (

Rooster said:

Yeah, I NEVER take any short cuts when I build as it’s all by the book !

The Book of Rooster chapter 21(this June) verse 69

I never knew Roosters could read! (

They can peck a book open, but their reading comprehension is VERY low…

Time to work on trains: priceless!

Today I got to build a ladder to provide access to the roof rack on the railtruck. To start with, a jig:

And a test fit as I am partway along:

Here’s the ladder “done” (though the top part needs to be trimmed):

And, after trimming and priming:

This is very similar to the way Ray Dunakis did the ladder on the back of his railcar (see the first post here for a pointer to that fine build).


Very nice work. Takes a steady hand.


Nicely done bit of detail(

I like that jig, brutally simple, eminently effective.

It’s because of people like you, Jim, with projects like this that I continue to try to resurrect my son’s B’mann railtruck! Keep it up!

Jim when I soldered my ladder for my city water tower I soldered the brass to a wooden yard stick, your way looks easier but not good for someone a shaky as me, Just keep it in mind when you get old and shaky like me, love your work, Bill



Jim when I soldered my ladder for my city water tower I soldered the brass to a wooden yard stick, your way looks easier but not good for someone a shaky as me, Just keep it in mind when you get old and shaky like me, and when the latter is right at 3’ that’s a lot of shaky love your work, Bill


Rack painted, slats added, installed.

Still need to weather/rust it, but a bit of progress!

[edited to remove duplicate sentence. doh!]


With that fuel tank, that thing should run forever…(

Or until the battery runs down…

Just wonderful! Very nice. I like brass a lot; it ends up looking good AND VERY strong. Well done.

That looks really good.