I just received a USA Hudson and I am running into some operational questions that perhaps a fellow Hudson owner can help with.
The first and main issue is getting the smoke unit to work. When I first ran it I put about the same amount of smoke fluid I normally put in LGB steam locos (it may have been too much). I am using LGB Smoke Fluid.
After a long time I started to see a little smoke coming out around the drivers but not out the smokestack. Eventually a little smoke started coming out of the stack but not much.
After running it awhile I was concerned the fluid level might be getting low (the instructions warned about letting it run dry) so I added a bit of fluid and all smoking stopped.
A phone call to USAT resulted in a suggestion that I have vapor lock from too much fluid. The suggestion was to use a cotton swab to remove excess fluid. I tried a swab but it came out dry (I did not want to force it too deep).
I am hesitant to turn the loco over to let the fluid drip out as it might flow somewhere inside instead.
I would appreciate hearing from anyone with experience resolving this problem.
The other question is that the instructions call for periodic lubrication but with a loco this large, heavy and with small delicate parts I have no idea how I could safely turn it upside down to lubricate it. Again I would like to hear from other Hudson owners about how they maintain their Hudsons.
The Hudson, when pulling 11 USA Streamliners ran very nicely for the first several hours but lately it seems to run a bit slower after it has run several times around the layout. This may be partially due to the heat (100+ degrees) or more likely it may be the track is loosening up a bit and needs to be tightened for better conductivity. It has been too hot to work on the track but it also made me start thinking about lubricating the loco.