And I used to be a conservative…and then had my eyes open… Maybe it will take people getting together and demonstrating…and willing to be called domestic terrrorists. When things get too bad one must stand up and be counted. I’m not advocating anything violent…just letting your government know what you think…in large numbers…numbers that are large enough to scare politicians enough that they fear for their cushy jobs. It’s worked here…back in the 60’s and it appears to have gotten the government’s attention in France…though a tad too violent for my liking. We have our fair share of far right gestopo…trying to control speech, trying to tell you what you can and cannot do in the bedroom, trying to tell you what your children must believe about creation etc…etc. As I said, it’s on both sides of the coin.
I can understand your financial concerns too. I’m also retired…and believe me Social Security doesn’t pay worth a darn either. I’m just lucky that I do have other income…also meager but the 2 together is enough to survive. I’m also lucky that I have my veterans benifits or I’d be screwed and not even a kiss. We don’t have medical benifits for people under 65. I’m 62. And even at 65 I couldn’t afford my Medicare if I didn’t have the VA. The copayments and gap insurance would eat up most of my Social Security.
HJ, that balance of power that’s shared with the administration, legislature and courts has been a godsend for this country during this administration’s stranglehold on the country. With the legislature being nothing more than a rubberstamp politburo for the Bush regime the Supreme court has saved us a number of times. And of course Dubya would claim that they were legislating from the bench. He tried to stack the Supreme Court in his favor. Even though it’s now quite conservative they still have good common sense (most of the time) and keep things on a relative even keel. Once the radical left or right gets a majority on the Supreme Court then you can totally write off the US and kiss it good bye. So far we’ve been lucky.