Large Scale Central

Possible new indoor layout

Your most welcome H-J. Paul

Interesting, I’ve always done all planning using Autocadd, I’m still using 2004 version. I just use simple line, circle commands, simple hatch and text. Without the Cadd it would be alot harder to try varients or alternate schemes. It also allows me to count quantities accurately. I can count track pieces and sizes beforehand.

Yes Victor, the problem is: at one time you need to spend the time to learn how to use the program. Back in 1994 we were building a large HO/HOm layout for a client. I already had a copy of CADrail but felt I couldn’t afford the time to learn it. So I did it the old way … what a foolish idea that was!

Victor Smith said:
Interesting, I've always done all planning using Autocadd, I'm still using 2004 version. I just use simple line, circle commands, simple hatch and text. Without the Cadd it would be alot harder to try varients or alternate schemes. It also allows me to count quantities accurately. I can count track pieces and sizes beforehand.

You and I think along the same lines (how scary is THAT!!!). I used MasterCam for over twenty years in my trade as a NC machinist?programmer and because I was proficient with the software, it seemed only logical to use it to plan my layout. The big plus was seeing my railroad in 3D. I’m going to the BTS in a couple of weeks with my layout drawings and make some large purchases of track, turnouts and other items. It was so much easier knowing exactly how much track to purchase by “analyzing” the drawing. I’ve made many revision changes to my layout and I know that those “mistakes” would have been made with the real stuff and cost me some money. You can’t do that with pencil and paper!

While I use CAD daily in my work I use pen and pencil for laying out the RR. Sketches followed by an LGB track template. Odd.

Just draw it out on paper or as I do, just draw it out in your mind because you will make changes in the future. The best thing you can do is lay the track and run some trains for inspiration, even if it is a loop in the grass.

Hey Rooster,

This is going to be an indoor layout; a completely different ball game, trust me!

Hans-Joerg Mueller said:
Hey Rooster,

This is going to be an indoor layout; a completely different ball game, trust me!

No…The topic says “possible” not decided on?

Mark V said:
While I use CAD daily in my work I use pen and pencil for laying out the RR. Sketches followed by an LGB track template. Odd.
My fanatically meticulous Cadd planned track layout drawings are the only thing done so precisely on my layouts, almost everything else thats kitbashed or scratchbuilt, is built by eye with almost as fanatical abhorence of the same meticulousness to scale and precision. Now thats odd, guess its that says something about that aspect being more about notions of old timey arts and crafts and handbuiltyness.

Okay, I went old school and did the drawing on paper. It is fairly rough but it gets the point across. THe dimensions are there along with all of the available buildings that I have. I am going to build this as a “shelf” mounted onto brackets off of my wall. This will cut down the cost and time of all of the extra benchwork for me. Its not going to be super big but it will be a good place for my trains to “stretch their legs” while its too hot down here to play outside.


Any input is welcome, Matt

David Russell said:
Just draw it out on paper or as I do, just draw it out in your mind because you will make changes in the future. The best thing you can do is lay the track and run some trains for inspiration, even if it is a loop in the grass.
True, true, all very true. Make a simple circle and run a train. Do it now. Everything starts from here. Nothing is carved in stone. You'll see.

I think one of the worst things you can do is create a layout on paper and then slavishly stick to building it as you drew it, or even close… Nothing will change your mind faster than actually operating the railroad.

It’s like having a baby changes your life. They can tell you, but you have no idea until you discover it’s actually happened.

The takeaway from all this is: stay flexible with your railroad. Trust the Rooster. I think very soon you’ll get tired of the roundy roundy. You know that isn’t ALL a train can do…

Can you spiral up to a second level and/or make it point to point?

Matt, I’m not exactly sure what your curve radius are planned according to the sketch. I quickly did a layout on Cadd and with curves based on LGB and Aristo, there is no room for turnouts on the curves unless your aware of some curved turnout that I’m not. I used two piko curved turnouts, the new ones. Ibeleive Piko’s curvers are 6’ outside and 5’ inside dia, is this what you were planning to use?


This is where Cadd can be invaluable, this is using Aristo 8’, 6.5’, LGB 5’ and two Piko curved turnouts, the other turnouts are LGB R3 (8’) As you can see large scaler track really eats up space fast, especially the wider diameter stuff. Its one thing to draw a single pencil line, another to use actual dimensional track to layout in very real dimensions.

Matt, You have just demonstrated what ails those free hand track plans. Turnouts too short, curves too tight


This is what it looks like in AnyRail with Aristo track - quite a bit of it flex track.

Yea- the curves will have to be 8 foot curves so it looks like I would have to readjust indefinitely. Like I said- quick sketch lol. Just wanted to get some ideas on paper. Judging by the CAD drawing, my options may be pretty slim. I suppose that for the “optional loop” it could come off the bottom legs and connect that way instead of coming off of the sides. THank you for drawing that up, it gives me much more insight.

I know about the roundy-round lol, its just a place to see my stuff run, and do a little scenery work. It will “cure the bug”… Used to have an Hon3 layout in my garage-I Really enjoy building and creating different scenes and working on layout photography. But I got bored with the small stuff… I am more hands on and enjoy the size of the F-scale.

I have an outdoor layout over at my folks house that I built as a teenager. The layout is about 250 feet of mainline. Had it for a while- don’t have the room over here at my place to do a nice outdoor layout, though. That layout has all the set offs, sidings, etc that you’d need with bridges and tunnels and the grades of a mountain railroad.

But triple digits aren’t much fun to run trains in. And we only have about another 4-5 months of it lol.


Hey Hans, just saw your drawing as well. Thank you for doing so. I just started the Railmodeller here on my computer. Gotta get cracking…


Matt, 48" rad is a tall order in that foot print. For kicks I added one of PIKO curved turnouts.


Due to that min. rad the bridge is getting shorter and shorter. :wink: OTOH if you handlay all the turnouts and the track you can squeeze a lot more. :confused: :open_mouth: :slight_smile:

I just did a mock-layup on the ground and realized that the curve is going to have to be the outer track on each side for the permanent portion of the layout. Although, for the removable loop I should still be able to go from the inner portion on the right side, to the outer of the left, assuming that it is only half a circle without any tangent track.

If I go this route- I can still squeeze in a few sidings, but will have to readjust the building locations etc.

Nice thing is that this is at the tail end of a double deep garage- i can do a full mock-up on the ground and know exactly what I will need and what I can and can not do

More to come…


The bridge came from my friend’s layout that I disassembled. Great looking bridge, feel fortunate to have it now… It is just under three feet long


Cool…considering your original post…Are you hooked yet Matt?

David, I’ve been hooked for years and years- I’m just now taking action on it lol